The first skill needed to be successful in the workforce is working well with others. No matter what the job is, there is almost always some human interaction involved. Whether it is the boss, a client, or a fellow co-worker, being able to work well with others is an essential skill . If someone doesn’t work well with others but are around their fellow co-workers all day, that’s definitely a problem, considering most people are around coworkers frequently. Working well with others includes listening to what people have to say. Maybe the boss is trying to show the employee how to be better. If the employee doesn’t care about or value the bosses opinion, the employee most likely won’t take heed to what they have to say. This could make them lose their job, and it looks bad later on, when someone tries to apply for another job and the potential employers find out that they don’t work well with others. It very well could prevent them from getting the job, because the employers know that it’s very important.
The second job skill needed to be successful in the workforce is being reliable. An employer wants and needs to be able to rely on their employee to not only know how to do their job, but know how to do it efficiently and effectively. They want to hire someone that they can count on to be on time, honest, and loyal. If someone unreliable, chances are they'll get fired. Employers can't afford to continue paying someone who is late, dishonest, not loyal, and insufficient in the work that they do. For instance, a government