258) Incentives are the food that keeps the organizational organism alive. Without the participation of its members, an organization does not exist (Rainey, p.69). A financial motivator that Joan my use while trying to create the best environment to work in is, for them to be able to receive incentive bonuses and raises each year based on their performance and educational reimbursement. A nonfinancial motivator would be being able to work from home, work life balance and having a supervisor/manager that is willing to work with you when a situation may arise. This is important so there is a working relationship between each of the parties that are involved. The nonfinancial motivators are priceless. There is always going to be situations that can’t be helped, but for Joan being able to have a relationship with the module members it will always help the situation. There will be certain techniques that supervisors/managers can apply to their leadership styles that they have learned. Motivating employees and keeping each individual motivated is a hard task to accomplish; especially when it comes to different personalities while working in a team …show more content…
The technique that Joan should apply would be the simple structure. She can apply different types of reinforcement while dealing with the dilemma of Joe. While Joan maybe having second thoughts on how to handle Joe she was reinforce and determine different consequences for his know behavior. By taking these measures Joan can assure than she has the attention of Joe. What is meant by reinforcement for Joes behavior is providing him with coaching opportunities, transferring him to another depart and/or demoting him from is current position as (AMM). By Joan taking these actions it will show Joe that she is not playing any games when it comes belittling other module associate on his team or