Today, people are becoming more aware of the importance of physical activity. There has been a recent increase in the popularity of fitness activities as hobbies. However, despite this increasing popularity in health related activities the large majority of the American population maintains a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle that had led to increased obesity and morbidity rates. According to David Chandler, “The largest [obesity] increase has occurred in the last 10 to 15 years. Increases were seen in both sexes and all classes, with the greatest increase in 18- to 29-year-olds and in those who have achieved higher education.” In order to help future generations develop a healthier lifestyle we must encourage them to participate regularly in activities that enhance cardiovascular fitness.
Why Jogging?
According to the article Jogging, “jogging is running at a brisk, trotting pace as a form of exercise for burning calories and cardiopulmonary well being.”Jogging compared to other exercises is extremely flexible which makes it easier for people to incorporate in their daily lives. Jogging is less expensive, can be done anywhere and is enjoyed by most people. According to the Stanford Heart Disease Prevention Program four main advantages of jogging compared to other cardiovascular activities are: * Jogging is relatively simple and inexpensive. * It lends itself well to this type of kit format, in which you progress from one step to the next at your own pace * You can mix in other forms of exercise if you like, alternating jogging with bicycling, swimming or aerobic dance. * Although jogging is not everyone’s idea of a good time, millions of people really do enjoy it.
Jogging therefore appears to be an accessible activity that is enjoyable and flexible. It can be adjusted to fit all skill levels.
Benefits of Jogging
In addition to strengthening the heart and lungs, jogging improves other aspects of physical fitness. Jogging targets body composition, muscle endurance and muscle strength. According to Brown and Henderson jogging, […] has a more dramatic effect in trimming away unwanted fat than running. It is a calorie burner par excellence. Running further benefits body composition in these ways: Increased calcium deposits means stronger bones, and increased blood supply means stronger ligaments and tendons in the lower body (7). Jogging improves muscle endurance by strengthening and stretching muscles, “Running increases the muscles’ energy-producing ability, particularly in the lower body. Over time, increased energy production will translate into a greater capacity to perform prolonged work (8).” And finally, running can have muscle building properties much like weight training, “Running increases muscle protein, which leads to stronger muscles. This trait translates into runners’ explosive power, or the ability to accelerate quickly to high speeds (9).”
Jogging and Weight Loss
Jogging is a relatively low-impact activity that contributes to significant weight-loss in a safe way because if done properly is does not strain or injures muscles. The more weight people lose the lesser their chances of developing cardiovascular disease. According to the Beginners Guide to Jogging & Running for Fitness, “Running is one of the best exercises for improving health and fitness. It involves nearly every major muscle group and greatly improves the cardiovascular (heart) system. For weight loss you 'll burn around 130 calories every 10 minutes depending how fast you go.” For fast weight loss jogging is an excellent calorie burning tool.
From this paper we can clearly conclude that jogging is an excellent activity for people young and hold. Jogging helps improve cardiovascular fitness, accelerates weight loss and promotes a healthy metabolism. Jogging is inexpensive and can therefore is accessible to all socioeconomic groups. So, let’s jog!
Works Cited
Brown, L. Richard and Joe Henderson. Fitness Running. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc., 1994.
Chandler, David. Combating Obesity. 05/11/09. Beginners Guide to Jogging & Running for Fitness. 05/11/09.
Stanford Heart Disease Prevention Program. The Jogging Kit. 05/11/09
Way, Bueller. Jogging. 05/11/09.
Cited: Brown, L. Richard and Joe Henderson. Fitness Running. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc., 1994. Chandler, David. Combating Obesity. 05/11/09. Beginners Guide to Jogging & Running for Fitness. 05/11/09. Stanford Heart Disease Prevention Program. The Jogging Kit. 05/11/09 Way, Bueller. Jogging. 05/11/09.
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