In regard to Europe as a whole, there was general inflation during the 17th century that slowed the prosperity of the time. In addition to inflation, there was a 42% population increase from 1500 to 1600 . Also wars, famine (caused by the Little Ice Age), social tensions and plagues added more problems to the already struggling …show more content…
From the 16th to the 17th century of modern European history, societies were consumed by a panic over alleged witches, who were seen as sinister and dangerous. This panic resulted in witch-hunts. Witch-hunts were the trial, torture, and execution of alleged witches (75% of them being women) . Those victims included Kepler’s mother who was charged with witchcraft in 1620 . Women were discriminated against due to sexism, gender roles and sexual restrictions of the time. Witch-hunts of early modern Europe took place due to the rapid social, economic, and religious transformation during this time. The stress from these issues caused an outbreak of mass hysteria, which was known as