Although they agreed about some things, they also disagreed about many other things. Luther believed in political and religious autonomy of the state. He also did not want to alter the political structure of the government. He wanted the monarchy to remain as the form of government. This was because Luther was accused of heresy by Emperor Charles V and would have been put to death but Prince Fredrick III helped him out, saving his life. Therefore he wanted to keep the monarchy as the political authority over the state. But he also encouraged German princes to reform the Church in their states and advertised the idea that the Church was not subject to the pope’s interpretation. However, John Calvin believed that church and state should be one and that political authority should be changed from monarchy to the reformed church. Calvin and Luther also had their own set of social orders which they believed in. Luther believed that all people were equal in God’s eyes. He also believed in salvation. He held that salvation comes by faith alone. He emphasized that all people were saved only by the decision of God. Luther also rejected the idea that the Church and priests held special powers. Martin Luther believed in consubstantiation which is the belief that the body and blood of Christ are present and exist along with the elements of bread and wine. However, John Calvin believed that the body and blood of Christ are spiritually present in the bread and wine but not physically present. Calvin also believed in the doctrine of predestination, which is the belief that all events have been decided by God. He enforced this concept because he believed that specific people were chosen as God’s “elect”, or the ones favored by God for salvation.
Although they agreed about some things, they also disagreed about many other things. Luther believed in political and religious autonomy of the state. He also did not want to alter the political structure of the government. He wanted the monarchy to remain as the form of government. This was because Luther was accused of heresy by Emperor Charles V and would have been put to death but Prince Fredrick III helped him out, saving his life. Therefore he wanted to keep the monarchy as the political authority over the state. But he also encouraged German princes to reform the Church in their states and advertised the idea that the Church was not subject to the pope’s interpretation. However, John Calvin believed that church and state should be one and that political authority should be changed from monarchy to the reformed church. Calvin and Luther also had their own set of social orders which they believed in. Luther believed that all people were equal in God’s eyes. He also believed in salvation. He held that salvation comes by faith alone. He emphasized that all people were saved only by the decision of God. Luther also rejected the idea that the Church and priests held special powers. Martin Luther believed in consubstantiation which is the belief that the body and blood of Christ are present and exist along with the elements of bread and wine. However, John Calvin believed that the body and blood of Christ are spiritually present in the bread and wine but not physically present. Calvin also believed in the doctrine of predestination, which is the belief that all events have been decided by God. He enforced this concept because he believed that specific people were chosen as God’s “elect”, or the ones favored by God for salvation.