On September 27, 2007 John Edwards gave a Presidential speech dialogue using not only television, but also an interactive website called myspace.com. John gave his speech at the university in New Hampshire. The college students from the university were allowed to ask questions, and there were also people using the online website that were asking questions as well.
John gave a very persuasive, but very interesting speech. He covered every single topic that was brought up during the speech. The speech covered issues like the war in Iraq, universal healthcare, social security, college available for everyone, etc. Normally the Presidential speeches are very boring and I normally change the channel. However, the speech that was given kept me glued to the TV at all times. John kept the audience going the entire time without getting off subject. I have noticed in past Presidential speeches that it is very common to …show more content…
Is it because he understands what the American people want in a president and he uses that information? Is it because he is never boring? Or could it be that he was just meant to be a leader and knows to be a good leader you also have to be a good speaker? I believe that it is all of the above. John Edwards spoke with passion and a great understanding during the entire event. He showed no signs of weakness and to me that is very important when being in the public eye. When I first started to watch the speech, I really had no idea if John was a Democrat or a Republican. John really does not make his political side a reason for what he is about. John clearly showed that he is only there for the people and that is something we need in America. I have posted the video on my website I have for all of my friends to see because it was such a great speech. I would recommend everyone to watch one of John’s speeches at least one time before the 2008