John F .Kennedy’s essay employed a lot of rhetorical strategists in his writing that made his writing very unique in it way of formatting his messages.Such as his manner of using his religion and God in his speech that he knew would cause a certain reaction by the crowd. The message he is trying to employ to all is that we should not care about what the government does for them but what they can for your country.That they should not think about just themselves in the short term but rather the long term effect of what they can do to make this country a better place.
He uses many different rhetoric strategy such as using metaphors and using parallelism to compare what …show more content…
Such as “Now the trumpets summons us again”,”whether citizen of America or citizen of the world”.He uses these to give us to make his speech more colorful and not to dull the message by adding empty words and phrases that he could otherwise used.To otherwise not bore us while the world make his message clear.
He also tends to use Archaic words such as ,forebears,asunder,and wit to name some words he used in his speech.This gives us the knowledge that he is capable of using word that otherwise would not be used in other speeches. Showing us that he is more than capable to use such words.
By using theses rhetorical devices in his writing John F. Kennedy’s speech make its more memorable and more powerful.As it implies deeper though and invokes to think in unity rather than for only ourselfs but think of all the people in the coutnry.He wanted us to think farther into the future than just in his term or their lives but rather in the continuty of the Nation as a