This address was conducted at the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce. The president and his team then left for the Carswell Air Force Base in his motorcade where they flew to Dallas. They arrived at Love Filed and President John F Kennedy accompanied by his wife Mrs. Kennedy headed off to a fence nearby to a gathering where they shook the hands of some people in the gathering for a few minutes. Mrs. Kennedy held a bouquet of flowers and she walked to the limousine where they met Governor John Connally and his wife Nellie seated in an open convertible. John F Kennedy joined them and sat behind them. During this time the rain had already subsided and thus the plastic bubble top of their car had been left off. The vice president along with Mrs. Johnson left in another car in the motorcade and the motorcade left the airport where the travelled to Trade Mark where the president would make an …show more content…
Various conspiracy theories emerged and they allege that the assassination of John F Kennedy involved other organizations and people other than Oswald. Some of the theories that exist concerning his death include the CIA, the mob or rather mafia, Lyndon B Johnson who was the sitting president at the time, Fidel Castro Cuba’s president then, and the KGB. It is said that some crucial information was kept from the public after the death of John F Kennedy and word has it that the US government had a hand in this cover