The Cuban Missile Crisis took place in the 1960’s not long after President John F. Kennedy’s failure in the Bay of Pigs. In October of 62’ photographs of Soviet missiles were taken from planes flying over Cuban soil. This put Americans on the edge of their seat, not prepared for another war. Kennedy already looking like a “soft president” states to the public he must take action. In his speech he states seven steps that will be taken. Any of which are not followed peacefully, will be consider an attack on the United States.…
President John F Kennedy, in his speech, made a statement regarding the hike in steel prices. Kennedy’s purpose is to inform the people of the United States the effects of high steel prices. In his speech Kennedy repeatedly appeals to statistics and emotions of the audience, in order to, emphasize on the steel companies betrayal to the nation. He also adopts shifts in tones, such as informative, angered, and concerned, in order to pressure steel companies to lower their prices for their dishonest act.…
On 1945, when the war on chaos finally went to an end, everything seemed to be going optimistic, however, without notice, the United States landed into another battlefield, the Cold War, which developed a rivalry and a sense of thread between two of the world powers. For the above reason, on January 20th, 1961, John F. Kennedy delivered in his inaugural address a sense of self-independence, security, and patriotism using rhetorical devices and rhetorical appeals to eradicate the results and effects of the Cold War.…
There is a young man sitting in front of the television staring into the eyes of the viewers before he glances down to start speaking. Edward Kennedy’s speaks on the tragedy that happened on July 18, 1969 on Chappaquiddick Island, that resulted in the death of a young woman named Mary Jo Kopechne. Mary Jo was a secretary of the late Robert Kennedy and was still working with the Kennedy family. He begins his speech to communicate that he has “entered a plea of guilty to the charge of leaving the scene of an accident.” (paragraph 1, line 2-3) This confession of the proceedings he has gone through is an example of Bitzer theory on exigence based on the fact that he is not only admitting his crime but stating that there are more proceedings to…
On January 20, 1961, the world turned on their television to see how the newly elected American President, J. F. Kennedy, would address the issues of proliferating weapons and the propagating “iron tyranny” (7). Kennedy delivers a speech that aims to ameliorate their many fears and also establish himself as a capable president –one that would take a strong stance for democracy in a war against communism. By employing well-crafted syntax, specific diction, and explicit tone, Kennedy is able to eloquently present his purpose and unify his audience under a shared sense of purpose.…
On January 20, 1961 John Fitzgerald Kennedy delivered one of the powerful inaugural address in the nation’s history. The president’s unique style, personality, and his emotional feelings were presented in well-balanced sentences. The citizens that were present on that day considered the speech a success and can still remember it to this day.…
In October of 1962, John F. Kennedy was faced with the first crisis of his administration. The Soviets were building nuclear missile sites on Cuba, and one of JFK’s first actions was to give his famous Cuban Missile Crisis speech on October 22, 1962. JFK uses repetition, ethos, and pathos to discredit the USSR’s international standing in the world. JFK give his speech to show the people that the government has their best interests at heart. He tells the citizens about what the government has learned and what they intend to do about it. To reassure the people of the US, he describes what he has done so far, and what he plans to do in the future. In the main part of the speech, JFK turns to what the Soviets have done and the implications of this. He does this to unify the country against the Soviets. To unify them he explains how the Soviets have endangered everyone who lives in the western hemisphere, and how this has never been done before. He reinforces this by repeatedly stating that what the Soviets have said are lies. To further discredit the Soviets he shows their disregard for international agreements and for the people living in the western hemisphere.…
Once he was inaugurated on January 20th, 1961, John F. Kennedy prepared to deliver his famous speech. By using a multitude of devices, Kennedy created a speech that would be remembered as a great ‘call to action’ in history. In a time of trouble and confusion for the American people where threats could attack at any time Kennedy had to portray himself as the blanket of warmth in the Cold War. With his use of Scesis Onomaton, Consonance, and more, Kennedy was able to provide an empowering speech to a people that needed it the most, whilst still maintaining a tone that one could find in a casual conversation between friends.…
On august 28, 1963, a civil right activist Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his most famous speech called “I Have a Dream” during the march on Washington. In his speech, Dr. King used many literary elements in order to enhance his speech. He included allusion, metaphors, personification and tropes such as anaphora, alliteration and rhetoric question.…
Ever since the establishment of America, great men have instilled wisdom to the future generations. Over the course of various time periods, different men of all backgrounds have come out to speak against the evils and injustices in society. Among these men include Martin Luther King, Jr., a Civil Rights Leader in the 1950s; John Fitzgerald Kennedy, president of the United States during the Cold War; and Abraham Lincoln, president of the United States during the Civil War. All three men have written scores of speeches concentrating on human equality and the rights of individuals. Martin Luther King, Jr., John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and Abraham Lincoln suggest that mankind should live in unity because the cooperation between peoples will help a nation stand strong.…
Although John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address is one of the briefest documents in history, it perfectly describes what he plans to do in his time in being president. This speech goes over the period of the Cold War and other matters going on in the world in the early sixties. This was a period in which most Americans were worried about the planet, goals that need to be achieved to ensure the safety of the people of the U.S. and also the new technological advances that were being made. The United States was torn between racism in the 1960’s and Kennedy had to address that in his time in being the president. The Cold War was also at its peak during that time (Bragdon) and the people of the U.S. knew that Kennedy was a young and inexperienced president and were worried about how he was going to lead the nation in times of crisis.…
Although many people lost their lives, whether they were killed in the military or shoot by a person, they should be remembered. FDR’s speech had an effect that happened during the history of the time and present. FDR’s speech was more relevant than Kennedy’s because FDR had more of a purpose. Everyone who died will be infamous in our history.…
The inaugural address of John F Kennedy was successful because of the various rhetorical devices that he employed throughout the speech. These devices used include contrasts, three part lists, antithesis, alliteration and bold imagery. The devices emphasized the fact that Kennedy was campaigning for better freedom for not only the people of the United States of America, but also the people in the neighbouring lands.…
- His real name, like that of his father, was Michael King . However , during a trip to Germany, Mr. King decided to adopt and change their names, in honor of the Protestant leader Martin Luther.…
Throughout this semester I have received a lot of input and criticism on my essays from my TA, my professor and fellow students. This semester I was fortunate to receive quick, fairly reliable, built in feedback. From the feedback that I have received by taking this class I believe that I have become a better writer as it was beneficial for the most part. Feedback that I received from my fellow students was occasionally helpful. It typically varied from week to week. One week I would write a paper and get a ton of markings and criticism on it which was helpful because I was able to see what I did wrong and I would rarely have to get it proof read another time. Other times I would turn in a paper and it would come back with few markings and comments. This felt almost like a waste of time because I knew that I had more mistakes that I did not catch earlier. Because of this I would have to go out of my way and someone else would have to go out of their way to get it proof read again, or I would risk handing in the good copy with mistakes. One thing that I appreciated from peer evaluation days was that was able to see what worked in my paper, what did not and what I need to improve on.…