In American memory, the postwar 1950s seems to have gained an peaceful and happy surface. Looking back at old television shows such as Father Knows Best and Leave it to Beaver gives an impression to today's viewers of a kind and joyful family bliss. While the baby boomers may look back reminisce to those early years that marked their childhood. Like my mother and father. …show more content…
Eisenhower. Ike, was his nickname. When in office he would like to walk in the middle of the two major parties. Today one could call this strategy, Modern Republicanism. What Eisenhower did was that he both controlled the Democrats from expanding the New Deal but while also halting the conservative Republicans from changing popular programs such as Social Security. This kind of tactic lead to no major reform during that decade. It could possibly be seen that the 1950s was politically dead. However, the lack of controversy was something most American voters were probably seeking after World War II and the controversial events of the Korean