The approach to subject, John Nash, can be studied within cognitive therapy that which is a study of what he thinks and how what he thinks relates to his actions. By studying Nash’s behavior we can determine the best course of action in order to ensure him a better quality of life. In this case study, the examination of the subject reveals a diagnoses of Paranoid Schizophrenia. He was born on June 13, 1928 in Bluefield West Virginia. His father is an electrical engineer and his mother a former school teacher, he also has a younger sister that is two years younger than him. His parents pushed him to do his best and he learned very quickly. He learned to read at just four years old and skipped a grade in school. He did very …show more content…
He paces about campus often and when an idea came to him, he would run into classrooms to jot it down. His wife Alicia reports him to having been extremely paranoid. He wrote letters that talked of controversial issues to public figures. Also, it was reported that he was beginning to make less and less sense, both when talking to people and giving lectures. Professor Shapley, who ran into Nash sometimes says, "There was no way to talk to him or even follow what he was saying,". A few witnesses report him to having given a lecture that was “incomprehensible”. This affects him negatively in the workplace because people might respect him less and make fun of him. He talks to people who aren’t there and think imaginary people are out to get him. This made him extremely paranoid and devoid of trust. He also reportedly “began looking for secret messages in numbers. He disappeared for days,”. His behavior affected his marriage as well... Alicia became afraid of his erratic behavior and he seemed to distance himself from her. His mental illness affects his physical behavior, thinking, emotions and …show more content…
Paranoid Schizophrenia is the most common subtype of schizophrenia in the world and affects both men and women equally, although averagely men get it earlier than women. Usually symptoms of Paranoid Schizophrenia include paranoia, delusions, auditory hallucinations as well as anger and anxiety. Mild depression and low self-esteem are also both symptoms of this mental illness, both of which Nash has been diagnosed with. While Paranoid Schizophrenia usually affects men at a younger age, (Nash is currently age 30, usually begins in late teens or early twenties) we aren’t exactly sure when his symptoms began. Paranoid Schizophrenia also makes people spend a lot of time trying to ensure their safety from threats that aren’t real, or very over-exaggerated. Many diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia are suicidal or have suicidal