“A True Relation…” (1608)
“Generall Historie of Virginia…” (1624) In the first excerpt, we will read Smith’s original account of being taken captive by the Indian chief, Powhatan. In the General Historie, Smith’s version of the story changes.
A True Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Note as Hath Happened in Virginia Since the First Planting of that Colony, which is now resident in the South part thereof, till the last returne from thence.
Written by Captaine Smith one of the said Colony, to a worshipfull friend of his in England
Having 2 Indians for my guide and 2 of our own company, I set forward, leaving 7 in the barge: Having discovered 20 miles further in the desart, the river still kept his depth and bredth, but much more combred with trees: Here we went ashore (being some 12 miles higher then the barge had bene) to refresh our selves, during the boyling of our vituals: One of the Indians I tooke with me, to see the nature of the soile, and to cross the boughts of the river: the other Indian I left with Maister Robbinson and Thomas Emry, with their matches light. And order to discharge a peece, for my retreat, at the first sight of any Indian. But within a quarter of an houre I heard a loud cry, and a hollowing of Indians,