Ames as elegant, gentle, and quiet, Steinbeck gives to Elisa more strength. Her face was "lean and strong", and her figure looked "blocked and heavy in her gardening costume". Both women find their own ways to cover lack of happiness in their everyday lives. The astronomer's wife is managing the house finding the silliest things to keep her busy: " from the removal of the spot left there from dinner on the astronomer's vest to the severe trashing of the mayonnaise for lunch". Elisa spends her days in garden raising chrysanthemums "bigger than anybody around here." The fact that these two women did not have any children can mislead us to the conclusion that they were both trying to satisfy the instincts they were probably having at the age of thirty-five. While this is the case with Elisa, the astronomer's wife had different problem: the lack of communication with her husband and incapability to understand the world he was in. On the other hand, Elisa does communicate with her husband, but the gentle side of this woman is buried in the sand together with her chrysanthemums. What they do have in common is the need for some warmness in their colorless lives. And for both of them colors came suddenly out from strangers who just happened to be
Ames as elegant, gentle, and quiet, Steinbeck gives to Elisa more strength. Her face was "lean and strong", and her figure looked "blocked and heavy in her gardening costume". Both women find their own ways to cover lack of happiness in their everyday lives. The astronomer's wife is managing the house finding the silliest things to keep her busy: " from the removal of the spot left there from dinner on the astronomer's vest to the severe trashing of the mayonnaise for lunch". Elisa spends her days in garden raising chrysanthemums "bigger than anybody around here." The fact that these two women did not have any children can mislead us to the conclusion that they were both trying to satisfy the instincts they were probably having at the age of thirty-five. While this is the case with Elisa, the astronomer's wife had different problem: the lack of communication with her husband and incapability to understand the world he was in. On the other hand, Elisa does communicate with her husband, but the gentle side of this woman is buried in the sand together with her chrysanthemums. What they do have in common is the need for some warmness in their colorless lives. And for both of them colors came suddenly out from strangers who just happened to be