
John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Many books in the USA are banned in school curriculums. A couple of those books are currently active on our community. The school board wants to take our some of these books due to lack of meaning or offense to readers. One of these books is Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. This book contains valuable lessons for young readers and should therefore be kept in the school curriculum. However, it does have some negative diction that could offend a young reader. Although, there are many strong qualities of this story and the book being elaborate is one of them. Due to the complexity of the book, it increases comprehension and analytical skills. These skills can help a student in school by giving them the skills to read with more
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The plot is made up of what happens in this book and what makes it interesting. First, the way Steinbeck uses the characters to clash together. As the reader knows, one of the main characters in the story is Lennie and an antagonist is Curley. When they first meet the reader wouldn’t necessarily think trouble is going to occur between the two, but later does due to foreshadowing techniques and other hints. The plot of this story is interesting because it is about two poor people who try to make a living on a farm and what happens to them during that time. All of the characters mesh together well and everyone has a role to play weather they are a part of the rising actions, falling actions, or climax of the story. Another example is when Lennie is running away from the people on the farm. This is kind of like a climax of the story and from here on out it goes downhill for Lennie and George. Leading up to this point however, things on the farm were going alright, but there were signs and actions leading up to them being on the run. Like when Lennie gets into a fight with Curley; then when he breaks Curley’s wife’s neck on accident. All of these things play up to what happens in the end. Lastly, the foreshadowing and hints combine to make a phenomenal ending. In the beginning the reader would know George and Lennie as two innocent guys trying to get to their dream farm idea. All of the foreshadowing of death and disruption towards that dream lead to the end of the story. When they were running away from Weed, George is upset with Lennie because he causes them to always be on the run. In the end they are running, like they did in the beginning. This is unique because it starts the same way in ends in a sense. Like a good friend, George decides that it’s best to stop running and encourages Lennie to go onto the dream farm and puts a bullet into Lennie’s head. This is really interesting due to the fact that it not only started how

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