is content when provided with it’s basic needs, a human in the same position desires more. In the same way humans developed a taste for leisure activities once their basic needs were met, Mill claims that a human who is living comfortably is able to foster a desire for higher pleasures. Mill compares a person’s capacity to desire higher powers to a tender plant, saying that both can either be killed or nurtured by the lack or presence of proper sustenance.
He says of a person’s capacity for higher pleasures that “in the majority of young persons it speedily dies away if the occupations to which their position in life has devoted them, and the society into which it has thrown them, are not favorable to keeping that higher capacity.” (Mill, 10) While we are all inclined to prefer intelligence over contentedness, we must first be given both the opportunity to experience higher pleasures and the ability to continue doing so. Like a plant, children want to grow, but must be given a favorable environment to do so
in. In contrast, those who do not have the time or opportunity to indulge in higher powers revert to “inferior pleasures.” Mill states that this is not because they actually prefer these pleasures to others, but because they either never had a true appreciation for higher powers, or do not have access to them. He goes further to say that any person who chooses lower pleasure could not have ever actually experienced higher pleasures, making them incapable of effectively making the decision of which pleasure to choose.