
John Stuart Mill's Basis Of Utilitarianism

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John Stuart Mill's Basis Of Utilitarianism
John Stuart Mill’s foundation of Morality and his basis for Utilitarianism are based on the Greatest Happiness Principle. In his essay titled Utilitarianism he states that morality should be governed by pleasure and freedom from unhappiness which are the only alluring ends to this life. Everything in life that is pleasurable is sought after because of the desires they fulfill or how they reduce pain. Early on in the essay he clearly distinguishes between the mental and physical pleasure. Despite his distinction between the two his defense of the principle becomes contradictory, he states that our mental pleasure overshadows out physical pleasure. That is where I disagree with the validity of Mill’s Greatest Happiness Principle; why does it …show more content…
He states that one should always prefer quality over quantity. Saying “Better Socrates be dissatisfied than a fool satisfied.” Acclaiming that happiness is a collimation of both satisfaction and dissatisfaction. There are many examples of both types of pleasure mental pleasure can consist of philosophy, reading and etc. Whereas physical pleasures can consist of eating, creating and drinking. Now if we compare creating something to reading. Reading would be more insightful, but in the same way creating something would be highly beneficial in that you would gain insight and be able to gain the satisfaction of having a created an end product. To generalize that reading is better than creating would be a false presumption. Like in the example there are lot of different aspects of each type of pleasure and each person will tend to have their own opinion. For mill to infer that there is a form of happiness that is better another is another is preposterous since the happiness can be subject to change for every person. Like if 2 construction companies are doing the same work where one does it quickly and the building will only last 5 years. The other company takes time and makes it nice, where the building will last 10 years. Now if one person is looking for the building quick like in the next month you would go prefer the 1st …show more content…
So if happiness and pleasure are the end goals of life than there cannot be a differentiation between the two types of pleasure. And if there is a differentiation between the two than the principle cannot be in support of Utilitariansim. So happiness and pleasure are the culmination and what we try to achieve in life or they are not. From this we can draw the premise that either Mill is a true follower of Utilitarnism, so based on the beliefs, he has to disregard his viewpoint that one form of pleasure is better than the other. If he does this he has to also recognize that there are multiple ways to achieve the one true goal of a moral and good life. But trying to base morality upon happiness is foolish since that would make happiness unattainable. Which consequently would make society immoral. Because no one would be able to always achieve happiness and less

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