
John Stuart Mill's Proof Of Utilitarianism

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John Stuart Mill's Proof Of Utilitarianism
In the field of normative ethics, utilitarianism is a perennial philosophical view. Utilitarianism holds that a “morally right action is that which produces the most good” and promotes the maximum utility of happiness; for humanity (the aggregate). John Stuart Mill, a contributor to the field of utilitarianism, embraced Jeremy Bentham’s ‘greatest-happiness principle’ that states “the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong” . Mill offered an alternative to Bentham’s view in his book “Utilitarianism” by introducing the theory of “qualitative distinction between pleasures” . Furthermore, Utilitarianism includes Mill’s proof of the principle of utility. Many criticisms are worthy of consideration against Mill’s proof, such as those of Philosophers Henry Sidgwick and G.E.Moore. This essay will explain the main steps in Mill’s proof, examine some …show more content…
To verify this Mill stated the only way to prove something is desirable is by people desiring it, and that happiness, is the only desirable notion. In order to do this, it has to be shown that people will never desire anything other than happiness. Mill’s proof can be simplified into three premises: i. From ‘people desire x’ to ‘x is desirable’. ii. From ‘happiness is a good for each’ to ‘general happiness is good for the aggregate’. iii. From ‘happiness is a good’ to ‘happiness is the only good’.
Premise one is found in the fourth chapter of Utilitarianism, Mill claims the only proof for something being visible is the fact it is being seen. The only proof of something’s audibility is its being heard. Furthermore, Mill proposes the only proof of something being desired is its being desired. These three arguments are identical in logical form and according to Mill, serve as a proof to Utilitarianism. This logical deduction has become known as Mill’s “analogic

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