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In “A & P” Updike introduces us to a store clerk named Sammy who notices three girls in their bathing suits that have recently walked into the store. As Sammy describes each girl, he gives one the nickname Queenie. Sammy notices as the customers react to how the girls are dressed as they walk down the store isles. When it’s time to checkout, the store manager, Lengel, confronts the girls for breaking store dress policy. Which leads to Sammy quitting, to try and get the girls attention, unsuccessfully, leaving him not knowing what life will bring.…
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Central Character: Sammy is a checkout clerk at an A & P supermarket that is in his late teenage years , fantasizing about queenie and her 2 friends as they go in the store with their swimsuits.…
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He is stuck in a dull world, with the "sheep" and the "freeloaders". His compares himself to his co-worker, Stokesie, by claiming "Stokesie 's married, with two babies chalked up on his fuselage already, but as far as I can tell that 's the only difference". (Kirszner & Mandell, 127). Stokesie 's goal is to become the manager of the store. If Sammy continued on his course at the A & P, he took would end up just like Stokesie. Sammy wants to be free spirited, he wants to break rules. When the store manager, Lengel, approaches the girls and confronts them for wearing swimsuits, Sammy begins to break free of his dull world. He wants to show the girls that he does not stand with Lengel, he stands with them. He quits quickly and without thought, saying "I quit" loud enough for the girls to hear them. He wants them to hear him, he wants them to realize that he is not one of the store workers, not one of the sheep or the…
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Week 2 writing assignment, Write a 2-3 page pager on the following topic: In John Updike's "A & P," the protagonist Sammy quits his job after the store manager confronts three bikini-clad girls. What is Sammy rebelling against, standing up for, or aspiring to in his action of quitting, and how does this relate to a larger theme of the story? You may identify one or several factors motivating Sammy, but be sure to provide support from the story for each factor you identify.…
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Although Updike's story is short, and Sammy's narrative describes a short period of time during one afternoon, the story is a metaphor for the changes that Sammy goes through as he begins to mature into adulthood. When he says, "---," the reader can see Sammy's understanding of the consequences he must face for quitting, and that shows a sign of maturity from the initial narrative that fixates on the girls.…
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The author, John Updike, uses characterization to expose Sammy’s true character. Sammy is baffled that the store manager, Lengel, would embarrass the girls in front of everyone. In their defense he stands up to Lengel and scolds him for rebuking the girl’s outfit choices. After the girls leave he then quits his job. When he quits the manager even warns him that “[he’ll] feel this for the rest of [his] life”, but Sammy follows through with his plan. Although he does…
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Sammy from John Updike’s “A&P” and Sarty from William Faulkner’s “Barn Burning” are two great examples of young people raising their standards and doing what they believe is right. In “A&P”, Sammy is nineteen years old and works at a local grocery store named the A&P. His life changes the day he quits his job after defending three girls that are “called out” by Lengel, the manager, for breaking the unwritten dress code. In “Barn Burning”, Sarty is a ten year old boy who struggles between the fine line of right and wrong when his father, Abner Snopes, is put on trial for burning down a barn. When his father attempts to burn down another barn, Sarty takes charge and warns the owner. “A&P” and “Barn Burning” are short story classics that have many similarities as well as differences. While both Sammy and Sarty are dissatisfied with their figures of authority, the time periods in which they live are extremely different.…
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In the story “A&P” there is a eighteen year old male named Sammy, the protagonist. He worked as a cashier at a supermarket when during one of his shifts these three peculiar girls walked in wearing bathing suits. He immediately noticed them and could not stop focusing on the each of them. There was one in particular that he tended to refer to the most and he called her Queenie.…
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After a small tense conversation between the “queen” and the manager, Sammy notices the girls are in a rush to leave and wanted to be their “unsuspecting hero”, so he quit his job on the spot. Lengel encourages him not to quit, as it would be disappointing to his mother and father. Shrugging him off, Sammy drops his apron and bow tie and leaves the store to meet up with his girls, only to find that they are long…
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In John Updikes’ short story, A&P Sammy's character as described by the narrator, comes off as immature. The way Sammy is very observant and judgmental towards the three girls reveals something much deeper. It seems as if Sammy is very unhappy at his dead end job, he feels stuck. The narrator makes it seem as if Sammy wants something more from life. He obviously doesn't care about his job. He quits to impress the girls, only to be left alone in the end. I think Sammy is trying to prove something to the girls and everyone else around him. It seems he sort of envy’s the girl’s lives, especially ‘Queenie.’ When he stands up for the girls he is searching for some sort of satisfaction, to be held at the same level of the girls. When he stands…
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Sammy is working at low-end job during the summer to make his parents happy and earn some extra cash. He notices that his co-worker, Stokesie, is already married with kids at the age of 22 with small plans of becoming manager some day. This job isn’t the most exciting thing in the world, and Sammy probably doesn’t have plans to work there his whole life like Stokesie, so he isn’t very enthusiastic when he describes his job. Sammy’s epiphany comes to him as he watches the girls get humiliated by a middle-aged man and just before he utters his resignation. He does not quit solely to stand up for the girls and present himself as a hero. At that moment he realizes just how ridiculous his whole situation is because he doesn’t belong there. He does not belong in a store with a 22 year old with very little ambitions, or with a manager who teaches sunday school, and thinks that girls in bathing suits should go to hell instead of enter his store. He even refers to himself as an “unsuspected hero” and says, “and my stomach kind of fell as i felt how hard the world was going to be to me hereafter.” He’s finally free and understands the struggles that will come from not living his life…
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Without thinking, Sammy makes a rational decision that leads to his own epiphany. It becomes apparent when he feels like he should take charge and do something about the way the girls are being treated. Hoping to get recognition from the girls for being their “ unsuspected hero” ( on page 23) he decides to quit his job. Sammy is very disappointed that he couldn’t impress the girls the way he would have wanted to. Through trying to be the “suspected hero” he knew things aren’t…
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Sometimes the characters of a story do not have a choice in the outcome of their fate. In other cases, the characters have the ability to choose the outcome. John Updike’s “The A&P,” portrays the freedom of choice. Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” and “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allen Poe provide a lack of choice for their characters. “A Rose For Emily” by William Faulkner takes a different route in which the character transitions between a life without choice and one with the power to take things to the extreme. In these four short stories the element of choice noticeably varies.…
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The story is set in a small New England town, and it is an average day. Three young girls enter the store where Sammy, a young cashier, works. He watches and analyzes their every move, and tries to guess their personalities based on body language. Sammy identifies the leader girl as “Queenie,” and takes most interest in her. The girls are only dressed in bathing suits, and gain the attention of the other men working in the store as well. This causes tension between the male characters, and causes Sammy to wonder about his own future in comparison to his male peers. Sammy does not like seeing the girls being objectified. The manager kicks the girls out based on their inappropriate attire. In an unexpected response and strange attempt to honor the girls, Sammy quits the job, and leaves the store, but immediately is overwhelmed by the uncertain consequences his actions will bring.…
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Sammy tells the story as if it is just another day while the life-changing event unfolds in a manner of minutes. He gives insight about the town by giving short character descriptions that are revealing, not only of each character, but also of Sammys feelings about the town, the people in it, and his personal perspective on the life that he is living there. Although the character descriptions paint a negative picture, the negativity has more to do with Sammys thought of living in this town with these characters for much more of his young life. It is clear that Sammy is more than ready to move on, beyond where his life is now.…
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