Wesley declares that the moral law heralds from creation and humanity was given messengers expressed in God's prevenient grace and instructions. The moral laws are for Wesley a manifestation of God's directives and image establishes in Scripture and engraved on every person’s heart. Wesley considers the Christological language …show more content…
“If he doth not now bear witness with thy spirit that thou art a child of God, O that he might convince thee, thou poor unawakened sinner, by his demonstration and power, that thou art a child of the devil!” It existed before the time of Moses. Wesley sketched three doctrines exercised in the moral law: after salvation convinces humanity of their sin, a continual process leading a person to Jesus, and to be kept alive. Wesley describes the law as a transcript of God’s divine nature. His emphasis on the law is a merit to both the sinner and the Christian. “Therefore I cannot spare the law one moment, no more than I can spare Christ; seeing I now want it as much to keep me to Christ as ever I wanted it to bring me to him.” According to Wesley, the law was engraved on humanity’s heart with the finger of …show more content…
The law or the Gospel is objective. Love is the outcome and the object of God’s commandments. Jesus became incarnate to re-establish the law of love. This places the law and the Gospel in their proper perceptions and attacks antinomianism and legalism.
Wesley’s preaching suggestion was a prudent application of his doctrine. His plan was to preach the law to humanity until they recognize themselves as sinners. He wanted his audience to understand how unlike Jesus they were and lead them to a place of love and service to God. In addition, he wanted to instruct them how to apply and walk with the Christ whom they had received.
“‘If God so loved us”, Wesley states, “What manner of love is this wherewith the only-begotten Son of God hath loved us! So as to ‘empty himself’, as far as possible, of his eternal Godhead!” We can love one another. This is God’s heart pleading in Scripture. God loved humanity so much he gave his only son, Jesus. He took away the old and gave humanity a new image. As a result, humanity is redeemed and reconciled to God. The message of the cross is not wrath, but love. Therefore, people are empowered to love as God loves us. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19