This story is based upon a lower class man who was dedicated to his son who currently is fighting a heart aliment. The situation took a turn for the worse when John and his wife could not supply the sufficient amount of money to fund the operation. Not helping the situation his insurance company changed their coverage policy without him knowing; he was no longer covered for health benefits. The insanity of losing his son drove John to take over the hospitals' emergency room demanding that his son be placed on the donor's list for the first available heart. At the apex of the movie a donor came through with a heart for his little son Michael and he was found guilty on the account of detaining hostages against their will.
The movie conveyed many strong issues that face society today. The first of these is the lack of health care that should be provided for any person or persons in need of medical attention. The unfortunate incident of John's health insurance should be basis for the grounds of a lawsuit. Even though they promised reimbursement the funds were not the coverage he needed to make this operation possible. This element of the movie showed to me a senseThe idea of turning your back on a man, going back on your word, and then telling him he has a new insurance plan that he did not agree to and had no knowledge of is yellow. I think that a person burdened with problems must get themselves out of their own problems before they make them somebody