One peaceful afternoon all things were calm and everyone was singing and happy. Then out of nowhere a jet zooms past Johnny’s house and he watches it crash into the Twin Towers. “Woah,” Johnny says in awe, “I want to do that! That looks like fun.” Thus, the leader of ISIS was born. When Johnny was a little fella, he thought hurting people and being mean was fun so now that he is older he can get a group together and do all of what Johnny loved to do as a child. When he was a kid all he did when he played with his toys he would make them attack and act like they were at war. Also he would crash whatever was in his hand into a building. He never had friends over because he didn’t want them to see his room. It was full of broken airplanes, crashed cars, buildings, and his sister’s barbie dolls with the heads off. Johnny was a crazy kid.He was scared what they would think of him. At school he didn’t talk to anyone or even sat by anyone, he sat by himself, the teacher started to worry about him because he …show more content…
He didn’t want this part of the job. He didn’t want to make a scene so he quit his job, and then started working with other people who like to hurt people. He got into drugs and then later found his way to the top of the terrorist group. For being a quiet person when he was young he sure is a loud powerful man these days. He became the leader of the drug cartel, and the leader of the whole terrorist group, he had some men working for him, the whole world was wanting him dead for how many deaths and damages he had done to the world. But little Johnny didn’t care one bit. He liked being the “Top Dog” he liked pleasing his god. He gets away with all his crimes because he has his “boys” take care of everything for him from his kills, to drug sells. Only some things he does on his own. When someone didn’t listen or think his way he would hurt them maybe even kill them if needed