It all began when I decided to go to the park to practice some soccer. I thought that I was prepared for everything; however, as soon as I shot my first goal, a helicopter came in from out of nowhere. It appeared that it were going to land right on top of me. My first instinct was to run, but I was so scared that it was as if my feet were glued to the ground. Suddenly at least a dozen ropes swung down surrounding me. People dressed entirely in black then came down. They picked me up and I was pulled up into the helicopter. I was so full of fear that I fainted.
The next thing I knew, I was …show more content…
I thought that it were one of those practice fires for them firemen to put out, but it turned out it was not planned at all.”
While holding a picture of my family, Agent #21 asked, “Have you ever seen these people before?”
“Let me see that! Well ain’t that most coincidental. That there be a picture of my work mate Johnny Warver. He was one of the nicest people that I ever did meet.”
“Did you ever have any personal relations with his family?”
“Well, there was that one time when I did find out that he got the big monthly promotion and I was left behind all by myself. It was very disturbing and lonely if I do say so myself.”
“Did you know that this image that was taken shows you right there. It also shows the gazebo that blew up. Are you not aware that Johnny Warver and all of his family besides young Miss Livia right here died in that gazebo.”
“HUH!!! I had no idea! That nice whippersnapper Johnny is DEAD?!?!?!”
“This is true. Will you please come with us? We have some more questions and need to further investigate.”
“Well, why didn’t you say so in the first place? Let’s go” We then left and headed back to