Individuals aren’t the only ones contributing to giving back to the environment. Some companies and organizations are continually improving the…
In the article “Burt’s Bees Opens Doors to Greater Sustainability,” the author explores ways to lead the world into a sustainable future. Burt’s Bees sends zero waste to landfills. Each month employees volunteer…
The competitive environment in today’s business world poses many dangers to the sustainability of the biosphere, which is so vital to life. Business organizations have a responsibility to help sustain and preserve the environment for future generations. Corporations must take initiative in developing business plans that incorporate sustainable business practices into the strategic direction of the organization. Successful achievement of a sustainable business plan also requires identification of barriers to implementation and development of strategies to overcome such barriers. In addition, to measure the success of sustainable business practices, organizations must continually monitor the progress and communicate results of their sustainable plan efforts. A review of the Riordan Manufacturing’s current business practices helped to illustrate the development and implementation of a successful sustainability plan. Riordan must concentrate on developing a plan to address unsustainable practices such as the release of harmful emissions, improper disposal of off-spec raw materials, and the release of harmful solvent cleaners into the biosphere. To implement these strategies and secure the improvement of Riordan’s sustainability, the organization must anticipate financial, social, ethical, technical, and practical barriers to these plans. Understanding the barriers helps the organization prepare an action plan to overcome these obstacles and ensure the successful implementation of its plans. The keys to avoiding impediments from financial, social, ethical, and technical barriers are communication and commitment. Communication is vital to the implementation of a successful sustainability plan. Riordan Manufacturing must institute a comprehensive communication plan to address the concerns of affected stakeholders. In addition, the…
Environmental sustainability has become a hot topic in the last couple of decades because of global warming and other weather related changes. In today’s business world, environmental sustainability is an essential part of corporate social responsibility (CSR); therefore, very important to stockholders, owners, as well as to the public in general. Everybody wants to know how businesses are run and how their operations affect their communities for generations to come.…
PharmaCARE (We CARE about YOUR health®) is one of the world’s most successful pharmaceutical companies, enjoying a reputation as a caring, ethical and well-run company that produced high-quality products that saved millions of lives and enhanced the quality of life for millions of others. The company offers free and discounted drugs to low-income consumers, has a foundation that sponsors healthcare educational programs and scholarships, and its CEO serves on the PhRMA board. PharmaCARE recently launched a new initiative, We CARE about YOUR world®, pledging its commitment to the environment through recycling, packaging changes and other green initiatives, despite the fact that the company’s lobbying efforts and PAC have successfully defeated environmental laws and regulations, including extension of the Superfund tax, which was created by Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).…
attitude towards fast food and healthy food age for a long time. They even considered the time…
The Brown-Forman Corporation is the world's largest distributions of spirits and wine, which uses ingredients that are climate sensitive and water intensive. The company's long-term interests are to cut our energy consumption and the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). So, they do not send waste to landfills, and they watch water discharge. The establishment is a leader in their industry as well as in the countries they have a significant presence. As a matter of fact, Brown-Forman initiatives will help with improving climate conditions, which is good for the company's bottom line. For instance, "it influences and enhances brand reputation, contributes to responsible risk management and creates significant cost savings with efficiency within their…
It is no mystery that companies exist and desire to make a profit from their product or service being offered. However, it is becoming increasing popular that companies desire to achieve social responsibility in order to increase their public image, which in turn should lead to increased profits. In this class, we learned that social responsibility is the duty to take an action that will benefit the interests of society and the organization (Kinicki & Williams 2011). One of the ways to become more socially responsible that is adopted by many companies is through green management, which is referred to using various policies to reduce environmental problems (Tim Barnett, n.d.). More and more companies are becoming concerned about the impact their organization is having on the natural environment.…
Based on author¡¦s first-hand experience, some world well-known companies including Nike, Wal-mart, Intel, and Shell, international government agencies and non-governmental organizations are taken as examples to support his point of view and be a sample for later generations to respond challenges. Because of some misreading or failure implementation, previous experiences give corporations a lesson and force them to embrace key elements of the sustainability…
In 1886 three brothers, Robert Wood Johnson, James Wood Johnson and Edward Mead Johnson, fount the Johnson & Johnson company in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Today, the company employs approximately 128,700 people with more than 275 operating companies in more than 60 countries. The worldwide headquarters remains in New Brunswick, New Jersey. The company prides itself in caring for everyone in the world, they feel this inspires and unites the people who work there. Johnson & Johnson is the world’s sixth largest consumer healthy company, the world’s largest and most diverse medical device and diagnostic company, the world’s fifth largest biologics company and the world’s eighth largest pharmaceutical company. These companies together touch the lives of more than a billion people throughout the world every single day.…
Assessing PharmaCARE’s environmental initiative against the backdrop of its anti-environmental lobbying efforts and Colberian activities.................................................................7…
Today, corporate social responsibility is becoming more and more important. Many companies are looking to put in place a management system that care about ecology. In this perspective we will talk about a company that has set itself the mission of being green. We will see how they proceed to achieve their goals and how they could improve them.…
PepsiCo respects humanity`s right to water and other natural resources. That’s why they have invested in research, systems and facilities improvements, all of which lead to decrease waste to landfill, create more sustainable packaging and reduce carbon footprints. PepsiCo was ranked among Fast Company’s 2011 World’s Most Innovative Companies for their commitment to healthy research and development. Frito‐Lay was also honoured in 2010 for the company’s “zero landfill” environmental sustainability goals. (Source: Annual Report 2010, PepsiCo Quick Facts, PepsiCo Strategic Milestones)…
Many companies are zeroing in more about the affects of ecological factors, such as air, water, and land. Many of the world’s largest corporations like UPS are realizing that business activities can no longer ignore environmental concerns. This shift in perspective has in turn led to businesses seeking out ways to achieve competitive advantage through managing the natural environment. This means that large, powerful organizations with access to vast financial and other resources have begun actively to pursue pollution prevention, waste stream reduction, resource conservation, energy efficiency and eco-friendly products (Walton & Galea, n.d.).…
Given that sustainability reporting is not currently required of companies, what do you see as the possible benefits and disadvantages of sustainability reporting? Using the information in the case, the summary data reported in Tables 4 and 5, and Johnson & Johnson’s most recent sustainability report (available at, what aspects of sustainability reporting seem to be a priority for the company, and why? Provide examples from the 2008 sustainability report to support your answers. 1. How are various management systems such as human resource management, costs, capital budgeting, and performance measurement incorporated into Johnson & Johnson’s sustainability reporting process? Support your answer with specific references from the 2008 report (link provided in question 1). Compare your sources with those in the GRI’s reporting framework (, and the performance measures with Epstein’s metrics presented in Table 3. 2. When compiling data for its sustainability reports, Johnson & Johnson does not request direct input from its managerial accounting staff. What should be the role of management accountants in collecting and reporting sustainability data? Could Johnson & Johnson’s sustainability reporting be improved with input from managerial accountants? Why or why not? (The Crawford 2005 article at provides additional background material.) 3. Do you agree with the statement that Johnson & Johnson’s approach to sustainability reporting is beyond triple bottom line? Why or why not? 4. Johnson & Johnson cites concerns with determining materiality as one reason it does not declare itself in accordance with GRI guidelines. What is meant by materiality and why is materiality difficult to determine for social responsibility issues?…