Dr. Iyer, Kris
O.J. Johnson
The Northcentral University grading Rubric, is pretty much straight forward, cut and dry or whatever else the word is for that is it take it or leave it. I agree with it, and I am telling you this because I had to sit out for at least 180 days at Northcentral due to one of the systems at Northcentral University. “It is what it is”, is a saying here in Montgomery, Alabama for things that we simply put can’t change. If you read the assignment and give the required materials that are being asked of you, then you should be fine. I truly believe that Northcentral is here to only help us not fail us, but that’s up to us to give what is asked of us for the course. 80 – 89 is a grade of B, and 90 – 100 is a grade of A. You may be wondering why I started with B, when there are other grades lower than that. Well it is like this at Northcentral PH.D program, you must have a grade of a B or above in order to get credit for that course. APA format is the required writing format for Northcentral University. It is vital that we follow this format, for it is up to the school faculty to allow work done any other way. So it is best to learn the APA format. Late assignments will lower your grade every day up to the 7th day. After the 7th day, your assignment will not count and you will receive a 0 for a grade, unless you have an understanding with your instructor for a later turn in date. Focus, Development and Organization are the key factors of writing according to the Academic Success Center at Northcentral University, and it is defined as such:
(Northcentral University, 2014) Focus
Establishing the writer’s intent to inform, persuade, argue or describe
Maintaining this intent throughout the text
Establishing a thesis that provides
A specific, focused response to the topic
A brief but clear preview of all main points in the text
Crafting paragraphs that contain main idea,