
Jonas's Utopia In 'The Giver'

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Have you ever wondered about after getting up in the morning and never have to look in the mirror and do your hair or pick out an outfit good enough? Even have to worry about getting laid off and losing your home and possibly getting a divorce? Maybe even just knowing that no one will ever say anything mean to you or do anything to upset you, sounds pretty like a utopia don’t you think? That is why I think Jonas’s community is a utopia.
One of the main reasons why I believe the giver is a utopia is because no one cares what they wear, they never have to worry about what anyone thinks because there are no attraction relationships. For example they don’t get to choose their spouses; they are just giving to them. Another reason it doesn’t matter what you look like in Jonas’s Community is because you never have to dress up to go to work, you never have to dress up to go out with friends because they all wear the same thing. An example of this is when Jonas said “mirrors were rare in the community (…) but there was no real need for them” (21). This shows that people haven’t cared about what other people
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All jobs are just handed to the people as best fit as possible. An example of this is when Jonas is given the job as the receiver of memory. “Jonas was identified as a possible receiver many years ago. There were no dreams of uncertainty (…) with his hands firmly on Jonas’s shoulders as he looked at him” (62). In Jonas’s society no jobs require getting paid but everyone gets what they need if they work, so everyone works. Have you ever heard of a person lousing their job and saying they lost everything? That is because jobs are one of the most important things in life to have for most people. If jobs are that easy to get, I defiantly think haven a job given to you is a great characteristic of a

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