Massachusetts Bay Colony was home to majority of the Puritan colonist. Salem where the witch trials started, just so happened to be one of the capital city of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The other capitals of the Massachusetts Bay Colony were Boston and Charlestown. Both the Sermon and the Witch Trials were in somewhat a way to scare people from doing wrong. Edwards doctrine was intended to put the fear of God into those who were being sinful. Witch trials were people being accused for sometimes no reason of practicing ‘The Devils Magic’. What ended the witch trials were people were starting to claim the people they didn't like witches so they could die. The governor of the colony heard that his own wife was accused of witchcraft, so he ordered an end to the
Massachusetts Bay Colony was home to majority of the Puritan colonist. Salem where the witch trials started, just so happened to be one of the capital city of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The other capitals of the Massachusetts Bay Colony were Boston and Charlestown. Both the Sermon and the Witch Trials were in somewhat a way to scare people from doing wrong. Edwards doctrine was intended to put the fear of God into those who were being sinful. Witch trials were people being accused for sometimes no reason of practicing ‘The Devils Magic’. What ended the witch trials were people were starting to claim the people they didn't like witches so they could die. The governor of the colony heard that his own wife was accused of witchcraft, so he ordered an end to the