Edward in your sermon you stated “The wrath of God is like great waters that are dammed for the
present; they increase more and more, and rise higher and higher, till an outlet is given”. Where is the proof to show the wrath of God? Yes you may encounter problems in life that’s normal how can you reason those problems with the wrath of god or show proof. You also stated that “ the God that holds you over the pit of Hell” means your God has the power to so called bring you to a better place yet has the same power to send you to a bad place. I believe we were just created but no man was behind the creation of me.
From my perspective i don’t believe in God. I see the whole Thing like a spreaded rumer. Another reason i don’t think God is real is because i have never seen him or none of his magical events . You talk about him in your sermon as if you have seen him yourself which you have not. In your eyes from your sermon you think of God to be electricity in an abandoned house. Something that is not possible. There is no evidence of any super natural activities so how would you expect me to believe in jesus or God. Due to a lack of evidence of God, his events,and when you die you go to a specific place i dont believe in your sermon nor God.