Using the example of asking his students the real reason they choose to read stories, he says that they read because its pleasurable and allows them to escape. He further explains that the real reason why we read is because “life is hard whereas Neverland is easy” (53). Then he goes on to explain the best of stories have a problem that the character is trying to solve. Per Gottschall, all great stories follow a certain formula but it’s the details that makes each story special. Gottschall points out that we use stories as potential roadmap to help us find solutions to the problems we will face throughout our lives. Gotschall concludes with we are attracted to fiction because it is good for us.
In Chapter 3: Hell Is Story Friendly of The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human American Literary scholar Jonathan Gottschall analyzes that we read stories to escape life, understand different types of feelings, learn how better approach a situation, and how we can use storytelling to learn lessons that we then use to better solve our own