JKNE (Jonny Kennedy North East) is a charity based in the North East of England, created to follow Jonny’s wishes by helping other sufferers of Epidermoysis Bullosa.
M&S is a PLC (Public Limited Company) where anyone can buy a share and the company doesn’t have a say in who gets the shares. Whereas JKNE is Charity where people volunteer and don’t get paid for their work. M&S strive to make a profit and JKNE want money but they don’t need profit as their stock is given to them as a charity so they don’t make a profit as they give the money away to a good cause. An advantage of a PLC is that huge amounts of can be raised from selling the shares and the disadvantage of a PLC is that there are disagreements to decisions on the business also that they can’t say no if someone wants to buy a share. An advantage of a charity is that you don’t have to pay for the workers as they volunteer and a disadvantage is that not many people volunteer to work so they might be short of staff and have to close for the day. There is limited liablilty in a plc. (which means that the shareholders can only lose what they have put into the business, not their personal assets).
Here are some other examples of ownership and their advantages and disadvantages:-
A LTD (Private Limited Company) is a company that sells shares but unlike a PLC(sells shares to anyone) it doesn’t sell shares to anyone the original owners get to choose who gets the shares and how they will benefit them the most. An advantage is that there is limited liability to the shareholders (which means that they are not responsibly for the debts of the organization just responsible for the capital that they put into the business therefore, they can only lose what they have invested , not their personal assets) and a