2. The Big Three failed where Toyota and Honda succeeded in terms of effective supplier relationship management because when copying they missed some of the underlying key issues. From the supplier 's perspective, Toyota and Honda were better communicators, more trustworthy, and cared more about their profitability. Toyota and Honda also use the six step process of understanding how the suppliers work, sharing information, and work together to supervise and develop the suppliers while gaining joint improvements. Focusing on price reduction only does not help supplier/manufacturer relationships. Toyota does not believe in bullying its suppliers but instead acts like the supplier 's parent. The biggest difference, I believe, is understanding how their suppliers work which leads to joint improvement activities. This shows the suppliers you understand how they do
2. The Big Three failed where Toyota and Honda succeeded in terms of effective supplier relationship management because when copying they missed some of the underlying key issues. From the supplier 's perspective, Toyota and Honda were better communicators, more trustworthy, and cared more about their profitability. Toyota and Honda also use the six step process of understanding how the suppliers work, sharing information, and work together to supervise and develop the suppliers while gaining joint improvements. Focusing on price reduction only does not help supplier/manufacturer relationships. Toyota does not believe in bullying its suppliers but instead acts like the supplier 's parent. The biggest difference, I believe, is understanding how their suppliers work which leads to joint improvement activities. This shows the suppliers you understand how they do