English hour 4
20 January 2017
Twin experiments Josef Mengele was one of the cruelest Nazi doctors at the Auschwitz concentration camp. He performed horrible experiments on prisoners. The twin experiments were the most cruel and brutal of them all. There were some who survived like Eva and Miriam. They and many others were put through cruel and brutal experiments such as removal of organs and sewing children together. Josef Mengele, born March 16, 1911, in Gunzburg, Germany, was one of the cruelest, most heartless doctors in history. His parents were Wallburg Mengele and Karl Mengele. In 1935, at the age of 24. Joseph had earned a PH.D in physics anthropology from the University of Munich in 1935. “In January 1937, at the Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene in Frankfurt, he became the assistant of Dr. Otmar von Verschuer, a leading scientific figure widely known for his research with twins” (“Joseph Mengele”). That same year Mengele joined the Nazi party. He proceeded to be in the Nazi party for 3 years before he was drafted to be in the army. He volunteered into the medical service of Waffen-SS. He didn’t start his experiments until about early 1943 after his …show more content…
promotion to SS captain. Once he was assigned to Auschwitz, he began his horrific experiments on twins.
In 1943 Josef Mengele got permission to either kill or experiment on twins who had arrived at the Auschwitz concentration camp. And of course Mengele choose to do brutal experiments “At Auschwitz Mengele did a number of twin studies, and these twins were usually murdered after the experiment was over and their bodies dissected” (Below). Mengele would collect the eyes of the twins after they died. He would then send the eyes to Karin Magnusson, a KWI researcher of eye pigmentation. He also tried to figure out how to change people’s eye color with colored dye. His most famous procedure was sewing twins together and changing around organs and body parts to create one
human. In addition to experiments on twins, Josef Mengele had a wide variety of research topics, such as fascination with heterochromia, which individuals differ in coloration. After all the war was over and the USA defeated the Nazi and freed all the prisoners, Mengele found himself in US custody. He escaped with his family and migrated to South America. He was on the USA wanted list while living in in South America under false papers working as a farmer. He later died after having a stroke while swimming at a vacation resort in Bertioga Brazil on February 7, 1979.” In 1985, German police, working on evidence they had recently confiscated from a Mengele family friend in Günzburg, located Mengele's grave and exhumed his corpse” (josef mangele) Some of the most horrific experiments in all of human history were performed by the Nazi doctors. The worst of all the doctors was joseph Mengele. His twin experiments was what made toe Nazi doctors as well-known as they are today.