And the stronger the love, the more that pain, but love bears all things. Love itself is a pain, you might say, but is the pain of being truly alive," says Joseph Campbell. this to me means that with love comes dangers of pain. Inside each one of us as we love a hypothetical fire burns. This fire so to speak is our passionate needs for this other person. Though this person helps us keep the fire tame, they also can send it into a blazing whirlwind deep inside of us. So basically its like a double edged knife. Sure you can hold it and touch the dull or sharpened side but that doesn't mean you won't get cut.
A little further on Bill Moyers comments, "Well, it’s certainly true in life that the greatest hell one can know is to be separated from the one you love". This to me hits a spot with me and it is 100% truthful in my case. Being separated from your loved one can drive you mad. You miss them and pine for their touch. You begin to question their feelings and what there actions might be while they are away from you. Its like being blind deaf and mute helplessly waiting some unknown travesty to