Michelle Jolley
Student ID: 000366430
Mentor: Lidiya Yanusheva
Task A: Learning Theories
& Learners
Constructivism, Cognitivism, Behaviorism
Constructivism is Beneficial for
Learners . . .
● When there are multiple “correct” ways to solve a problem.
●In problem-based learning, where the process is more important than the product created. ●When students create, or construct, their own learning, rather than the teacher telling them what they must know.
● In a discovery learning situation
Cognitivism is Beneficial for
Learners . . .
● With advanced organizers that tie new learning to previous knowledge
● With metacognitive strategies where students focus on their preferred learning methods ● With chunked information
● Summarizing, synthesizing and organizing information
Behaviorism is Beneficial for
Learners . . .
● Memorizing vocabulary, verb conjugation or rote facts (drill and practice)
● When the teacher is the source of knowledge, and students simply need to parrot it back
● When the teacher wants to encourage specific behaviors by giving rewards or discourage behaviors by giving consequences
● In computer-based learning situations
Task B: Learning Theory
Used in Lesson Plan
For many years Behaviorism was the basis for language learning methods known as GrammarTranslation and ALM (Audio-Lingual Method).
This lesson plan is based on a classic ALM format. Behaviorism– Lesson Plan
Focuses on drill and practice
Memorization of dialogues, with the hope that structures will transfer to “real” conversations Substitution drills change single elements of a sentence to focus practice on isolated grammar elements
Task C: Adaptation of
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan Adapted to Cognitivism
Behaviorism modified to Cognitivism
Teacher would present example sentences in pairs with the indicative and the subjunctive and ask students to form their own theories about the differences.
Discussion and explanations follow.
Rather than prewritten, unrelated sentences, students would be involved in creating samples, and perhaps illustrating them, based on their own interests, thus making personal connections to the structure being taught. A more personalized activity would replace the memorization of a dialogue, such as a game where students match phrases using ojalá and the subjunctive to the person most likely to express those sentiments.
Task D: Lesson Plan
Cognitivism is preferable because
Teacher helps students organize information, but students are more involved in the process than in behaviorism
Links the construction to students’ prior experiences Illustrative examples come from both the teacher and the students
Personalized practice is more meaningful, and therefore more likely to be retained
Task E: Effective
Instruction Through the
Use of Design Theories
Using a design theory to plan a lesson …
Provides a scaffold upon which to build the lesson Allows the teacher to see the big picture as well as the individual parts of the lesson
Guides planning with a purpose and a focus – planning is more intentional and reflective Can reflect the teaching/learning philosophy of the teacher
Task F: Design Theories
Strengths and Limitations:
Teaching for Understand (The Harvard model)
Strengths of Wiggins Theory
● Stresses planning with the end in mind
● Easily incorporates standards into planning ● Focuses on the most critical skills and topics ● Is guided by essential questions
● Provides and encourages the use of data to inform instruction
Limitations of Wiggins
● Understanding by Design is a complicated system that requires many hours of professional development time for teachers to learn
● Even after learning the system, UbD can seem complex and time consuming to teachers Strengths of Gagne’s Events
● Recognizes the need for student engagement ● Provides a structured pattern for lesson planning ● Builds on previous knowledge
● Focuses on feedback
● Focuses on intellectual skills
Limitations of Gagne’s Events
● Lends itself to more teacher-centered lessons rather than student-centered
● The lesson scaffold provided by the 9 events is somewhat inflexible
● A focus just on the 9 events of Gagne’s theory may be misleading – the entire theory is quite complex – even cumbersome Strengths of Teaching for
● Focus on transfer of knowledge to new situations ● Student centered
● Intentionally incorporates higher level thinking skills
● Aims to mimic the professional environment ●Performance based
Weaknesses of Teaching for Understanding
● The Constructivist focus of creating meaning lends itself to long term unit planning rather than to shorter, daily plans
● May not prepare students for the current reality of Standardized Testing
● Scaffold provided for planning is somewhat vague
Task G: Most Suitable
Design Process
Gagne’s Nine Events
Gagne’s Nine Events
Focuses on intellectual skills, which is the basis for language learning
Has face validity for teachers – it makes sense at a glance
The built-in hierarchy for intellectual skills helps teachers organize lessons that build complexity as they go