Lehman Strauss’s article “Why God Became Man” details several arguments as to why the incarnation of Jesus Christ happened in the manner in which it did. The author states several truths that were affirmed by early Church doctrine at the Council of Chalcedon in A.D. 451. The Council of Chalcedon stated that Christ was both truly man and truly God. The author based on the topic selected and the use of biblical references has an evangelical Christian worldview and adheres to the understanding that the Bible is infallible and inspired, which he displays in this article. Furthermore, the author clearly displays dispensationalist views within his article by noting at the end, the time in which Christ will be seated on David’s throne and that Israel was not forgotten by the incarnation of the Son. A dispensationalist view is a belief there are two distinct peoples of God, which are the Church and Israel, which the Church did not replace. Strauss constructs his arguments by using the Bible to support whether or not something is God’s truth for if God reveals something in His own word then it must be true, because God does not lie or deceive, Numbers 23:19. Strauss uses seven points to establish a support for the incarnation of Christ, which are, He came to reveal God to man; He came to redeem man; He came to rescue the whole creation; He came to restore Israel and He came to reign. These seven points are used to reveal why and what Christ accomplished when he was manifest as a man on this earth and dwelt among us. For example, Strauss explains that Christ could not have been born through any other means other than by virgin birth, because by being born of a virgin Christ retains his humanity, but is not born into sin as with the rest of the human race. Strauss lays out logical arguments and biblical passages, as evidence, to support each of these points. Strauss uses the arguments of heresies like Docetism to support his claims,
Cited: Sproul, R.C. and Mathison, Keith, eds. The Reformation Study Bible. Lake Mary, FL: Ligonier Ministries. 2005. Strauss, Lehman. “Why God Became Man,” Bible.org, 1997. http://bible.org/article/why-god-became-man. R.C Sproul, What is Reformed Theology?. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1997. -------------------------------------------- [ 1 ]. R.C Sproul, What is Reformed Theology?. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1997), 84. [ 2 ]. Strauss, Lehman. “Why God Became Man,” Bible.org, 1997. http://bible.org/article/why-god-became-man. [ 3 ]. Strauss, Lehman. “Why God Became Man,” Bible.org, 1997. http://bible.org/article/why-god-became-man. [ 4 ]. R.C Sproul, What is Reformed Theology?. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1997), 97.