As I was a proud Grandmother, my young age never bothered me. Why people think they are getting old when their first grandchild is born beats me?
Leaving the family in Darwin was difficult, but I had escaped Alex’s possessiveness, and felt relieved.
Shortly after arriving in Melbourne, I was able to get work as a machinist in a clothing factory, so I decided to stay for a while.
In the back of my mind, I thought that once I had secured a good job and a nice home, I would send for the children. Then …show more content…
He was lovely, he had brown eyes and a lovely nature, and I loved him very much.
As it was cold in Melbourne, Josephine gave me a lovely white fur coat. As it was soft and warm I wore it every day, but everywhere I went men wanted me to sleep with me. You see, in my innocence, I didn’t know that a white fur coat was the colour prostitutes wore to solicit work.
As Josephine knew I wouldn’t be aware of this, maybe it was a mild form of get-back for all those years of misery I gave her.
For a time, I was free to do my own thing and I loved it. I found work helping the government set up a new youth hostel in …show more content…
Thankfully, I was able to lease a lovely four-bedroom home in Upper Plenty for a minimal rent.
As the taxi drove up to the entrance of the enormous house, we were immediately attracted by the impressive driveway, which wound round an ornamental bush and curved in toward the doorway.
On entering the house, the first thing I noticed was a Pianola sitting in one of the huge empty rooms. The taxi driver who had promised to drive me back down the hill to Greensborough again, found the old-fashioned piano fascinating, and serenaded me with some very clever classical music, while I examined the many rooms this magnificent house contained.
The gardens were massive and were equipped with a full size swimming pool. Moreover, all this only cost about $90.00 a week!
Of course, furnishing it was a problem, and the money I had saved from my ‘break’ was soon eaten away.
Although I didn’t want to live with Alex again, there was no escape, as I wanted to be with the children. However, there was no way that I could I tell him without causing pain, so I gave