JUNE 2013
When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.
As we start again our duty in the Rural Health Unit, we came into and agreed upon that we would be having our rotational schedule so that we would be convenient enough in rendering our services to our clientele. We have this attitude of being lazy sometimes because of this tiredness given by this paper works and so many tasks outside the Rural Health Unit, so to avoid pinpointing to our colleagues it is better to have this weekly rotational task to balance everything the situation inside and outside the Rural Health Unit, and to have a well-organized and effective quality of service to our patients. We have different areas in the Rural health Unit: Public assistance desk wherein we caught the attention of our incoming patients, ask the names who needs our service, gets the weight, height, give the numbers in order, and give consideration to Senior Citizens, PWDs and Pregnant women; Admission area: we assess the patients situation carefully , ask his/her chief complaint and conduct NCD profiling regularly; Records Section: secures the family folder of the patient; Vital signs: Takes Blood pressure, respiratory rate, pulse rate, temperature; Call Center: Organizes the folders by number giving consideration for emergency cases, and calls the patient’s name; Treatment area: Carries out Doctor’s order, gives the right medications as ordered same as gives instructions and health teachings, assists in minor cases like suturing lacerated wound, does wound dressing; Special Lane:prioritizes the senior citizens, pregnant women and PWDs.
And as we continue our service in the community we are again preparing for our monthly Family Development Sessionwith our CCT families. Preparation arises when we