As Obi Wan Kenobi once said “the force will be with you, always”. Good morning… Whether it is inner, physical, imaginative or a combination of these, we all must partake in journeys. Exploring through these passages is an ideal way to find inner peace and connect with our surroundings. The path in which you take is up to you, so the person you grow and form as the end product is entirely based on your decisions throughout this journey. After analysing Joseph Conrad’s text “Heart of Darkness” and George Lucas’ “Star Wars – A New Hope”, I too have ventured on my own individual journey which has really broadened my perception and understanding of life and the world itself.
When Conrad was a child, an utter eagerness to explore had overcome the natural thoughts of the average adolescent. Being born into a politically infatuated family in Poland, and his parents dying whilst he was at such a young and fragile age, it is easy to say that Conrad did not live a regular life. After the realisation that no future lay in store for him in Poland, he needed to escape to create a life centered on his inner promptings. As he observed the map of Africa he said “When I grow up I shall go there”, this place was the Belgian Congo, which then became the birth place of his first novel “Heart of Darkness”. On this voyage, Conrad endured a life altering change which affected him both physically and psychologically. He exposed this sudden realization that humanity wasn’t all it was made out to be, that it was in fact this colossal scandal to become the superior civilization.
The protagonists in Heart of Darkness, Marlow and Kurtz, appear to be Conrad’s intertwined subconscious, which inevitably mirrors his own alter-egos. Marlow and Kurtz represent both the good and evil