There is an Ancient Chinese Proverb that states, “The Journey is the reward”, meaning that no matter how long it takes you to reach your destination, it is not where you end up, but the journey that will have shaped you. As we journey in life, we are challenged by obstacles that we must overcome to be rewarded. In the play Away by Michael Gow, our preconceptions of characters are challenged and our opinions on journeys and how they have the ability to extend us are developed. This idea of journeys challenging us is further explored in the poem The Road not Taken by Robert Frost, where the persona was presented with a choice in paths which would have significant repercussions on his life. The concept of journey is also exemplified in Peter Skrzynecki’s poem, Crossing the Red Sea, where the aspect of physical journeys and their emotional development and strain is explored through the journey of immigrants. Through these texts we can see that some journeys can be chosen and paths can be alternated, however in other journeys there aren’t any decisions to be made, and you must simply follow the course which life has prescribed to you.
In the play Away by Michael Gow (1968), the protagonists undertake long journeys and are faced with many obstacles which they must overcome to develop as characters and be rewarded. In this play, three families undergo a strenuous physical journey, a holiday, which acts as a stimulus for change. Even though the three families attend different holiday destinations, their final destination is the same. Their stories all start with light being shone on their dysfunctions and ambitions and the tempest, which acts as a catalyst for change, drives them together which provides them with a chance for self-discovery, self- recognition, acceptance and opportunity. Throughout the play, the characters evolve and adapt themselves so that they can overcome their obstacles. Coral