Mat 103
Joy of Stats
Hans Rosling is a statistician and also the narrator of the documentary “Joy of Stats.” Statistics is the science of collecting data and learning from it. Statistics can show you the amount of babies that were born during World War II, or predict the amount of babies that could be born in 2030. In the documentary it shows the use of stats through out history, technology, and the development of the world, pretty much the overall practical use of stats.
The first use of modern statistics was the Tabellverket in Sweden in 1749.
The Tabellverket recorded the birth, marriage, and the death of everyone in Sweden.
With this list of collected data, you could now know information such as the average age of death in 1749. The first analysis of the Tabellverket showed that the population of Sweden in 1949 was 2 million people instead of the 20 million they had thought. They found out that most women died in childbirth and many children died young, so the government took action to change that, this was a primary example of the use of statistics. Finding correlation is a very important part of statistics. The correlation is the reason how two points of data connects. For example in the video Hans showed a graph of the population of the world ranging from poor and sick to rich and healthy. This starts from the 1800’s and shows that the European countries were the to move towards the rich and healthy part of the graph, this was due to the industrial revolution, this is an example of a direct correlation. Another direct correlation would be the World Wars and the decline of population. in the 1900’s more countries started to make their way up the graph, but in 1916 and in the 1940 it spiked down due to the casualties of war. Statistics is the science of colleting data and the primary example of a collection of data would be the Internet. In the past all of the data was recorded on paper, but with the computer and