Joyce Gilchrist is someone who didn’t know how to handle the power she possessed and she wanted to be seen as this hero like complex, one that could do no wrong and would always catch the bad guy. Gilchrest began working with the Oklahoma City …show more content…
The pretermination hearing began on August 21, 2001 and lasted eight days. The hearing sustained allegations that Gilchrist made inappropriate expenditures, was dishonest when communicating with her supervisors, mishandled evidence and case files, and failed to establish proper procedures. Allegations of Gilchrist’s testimony compromising the Oklahoma City Police Department integrity and that her casework analysis was flawed and improperly documented were also sustained. On September 25, 2001 Gilchrist was terminated. Gilchrist was never formally charged with any crimes (04-6402 -- Gilchrist v. City of Oklahoma City).
Over the course of her career, Gilchrist provided testimony to 23 capital murder cases. By the time she was terminated 11 of the convicted had already been executed and the other 12 sat on death row (Romano, L). Her testimony was used to secure death sentences in cases where the defendants might have been sentenced to life (Romano, L). She was referred to as “Black Magic” as she seemed to be able to things with evidence that nobody else could do (Romano, L). Gilchrist’s testimony had an overwhelming power to persuade a jury. She became heavily relied upon by the District Attorney’s