It is unfair to use celebrities to endorse a product. …show more content…
Celebrities are well known faces that the consumer can use to connect with a product. Whether they hate or love the celebrity it will help the audience remember the product. Imbibing this memory into the consumers can lead to a potential purchase of said product in the future. Secondly, people like Jozui have suggested boycotting companies that use celebrity advertising. Only harm can come from this action. When companies like Nike get boycotted for the unethical working conditions overseas there is loss of profit. Companies don't just eat this loss, they have to compensate for it. Due to a boycott companies may deem it necessary to cut American jobs, or even simply fire all the overseas workers. Once again a net negative, regular people are put out of work while celebrities are still sitting pretty. Was Jozui not arguing that this is the right thing to do? Finally the author states, “We should boycott this kind of advertising and legislate rules and guidelines for advertisers.” (6). Restricting advertisers by forcing legislations upon them and dictating what they can and cannot do is anti-free market, and frankly not American. Putting advertisers on a tight leash by not allowing them to use celebrities or even making it more difficult to is unethical. That would be as if animals weren't to be allowed in advertisements because it is cruel. It simply does not make sense. Advertisers should have the right to use whomever to push their products. Overall using celebrities in advertisements is the smart thing to