Routing is the methodology of selecting way or path in a system and also to send network traffic in this path or way and route is the way to send the system traffic. There are two types of routes. One is static routing and other…
Both Lee and Marshall spent a great amount of time with the Ju/’hoansi, learning their unique culture and way of life. In Marshall’s ethnographic film, “The Hunters”, and chapter four of Lee’s ethnography, The Dobe Ju/’hoansi, each anthropologist discusses, in two different forms, the Ju/’hoansi’s subsistence techniques. Lee and Marshall agree in some areas, but not all.…
It was a mid-afternoon day in Baltimore, Maryland January 13,1999 when Hae Min Lee, an 18 year old high school senior, went missing. Hae, originally born in South Korea in 1980, was an outgoing honor roll student athlete who excelled in her school work and was profoundly involved in her community. She played both varsity field hockey and girls lacrosse for Woodlawn High School as well as managed the varsity boys wrestling team. Hae was also involved in Ecology club, French club, and SADD (students against destructive decisions). The afternoon of January 13, 1999 was a mournful day for the many people who knew Hae Min Lee.…
Ina Garten has become a household name for many. This professional chef was born on February 2, 1948, in New York City. In 1978, Ina Garten found herself working in the White House on nuclear energy policy. She remembers herself thinking, “There's got to be more to life than this!" She saw an ad for a small food store for sale in Long Island. She and her husband drove up to investigate and instantly made the owner an offer. Thinking she had days to think about her decision, she drove home. The next morning, the owner Two months later she began the job of owner of Barefoot Contessa, a small specialty food…
Once upon a time on the beautiful island of Hawaii, there were people everywhere on resort Namaste. It was a nice and peaceful place, light windy breeze, cool pretty blue water, children playing on the beach and people just relaxing on this nice Thursday. There were other resorts on the island, but Namaste was everyone’s favorite resort. The resort owner, Jack Nelson did everything in his power to make sure his guest was pleased while they stayed at the resort, so his resort could retain the title as the best resort of Hawaii islands. He also had an advantage as to why his resort was the best resort in Hawaii, it’s because he had a lot of friends and favorite guests and they always put the good word in for him. He also had some people who weren’t too fond of him and they tried everything in their power to destroy his business such as…
Menchu spent her childhood helping with her family’s agricultural labor, she also served and worked on coffee plantations (finca). Starvation and malnutrition were very constant and Indians were sprayed with pesticides. Rigoberta focuses around her community and things that occurs in surrounding villages As a young woman, she became an activist in the local women’s rights movement and joined with the Catholic church to advocate for social reform. Trucks often carried families to the plantations and would have as long rides such as 24 hrs. They were covered with a tarp, and not permitted to get out during any stops, the smell of human and animal excrement is unbearable. and sometimes without any breaks. In the capital, Guatemala City twelve-year-old Menchu worked as a servant, her employers starved and abused her they also forbade her to wear her traditional Guatemalan dress.…
There is a lot of information out there on How to Take Care of a Chihuahua. As Chihuahua's are fragile little dogs it really does pay to do your research before taking the 18 year commitment of owning one of these great little dogs.…
Chise Hatori has lived a life full of sadness and despair. Her father took her little brother with him and left her with her mother. Eventually, her mother committed suicide and Chise wad sold as a slave by her relatives. Everything starts to change when a man with the head of a beast took her from a slave auction,…
Kamehameha was 14 when his father died and his uncle, Kalani‘opu‘u adopted him and treated him as a son. As Kamehameha grew older he also grew into a strong, skilled warrior thanks to Kekuhaupi’o, his trainor. For Kamehameha to become a great leader he was taught spear throwing and dodging, wrestling, and the basic tactics of warfare. Kamehameha also learned navigation, astronomy, history, genealogy, religious practices, kapa, and other information vital to become a district chief. Kamehameha was an effective leader because he was organized, intelligent, and hardworking.…
The Ju/'hoansi are a hunting and gathering society who are located on the border of Namibia and Botswana. These two countries are in the Kalahari Desert in South Africa. In the 1950's Richard Lee wanted to research these people because he wanted to dispel two myths. He wanted everyone to know that these people were not "missing links" and that the Ju were not prehistoric creatures (Lee 2003). Upon arrival to the Kalahari Desert, he did just that.…
Foraging for wild plants and hunting wild animals is the most ancient of human subsistence patterns. Prior to 10,000 years ago, all people lived in this way. Hunting and gathering continues to be the subsistence pattern of some societies around the world including the !Kung. The !Kung population is located in the Kalahari Desert, in isolated parts of Botswana, Angola, and Namibia. The !Kung live in a harsh environment with temperatures during the winter frequently below freezing, but during the summer well above 100F. The !Kung, like most hunter-gatherer societies, have a division of labor based mainly on gender and age.…
Shaki, or Napoleon A. Chagnon’s 15 month enculturation with the Yanomamo tribe, Bisaasi-teri is characterized by fear, discomfort, loneliness, nosiness, and invaluable experiences through relationships and modesty about human culture. Chagnon documents the experience through the struggle and discovery surrounding his proposed research, as his lifestyle gradually comes in sync with the natural functions of his community. Much of his focus and time was consumed by identification of genealogical records, and the establishment of informants and methods of trustworthy divulgence. Marriage, sex, and often resulting violence are the foremost driving forces within Yanomamo, and everything that we consider part of daily routine is completely unknown and inconsequential to them. Traveling between neighboring tribes, he draws conclusions about intertribal relations, especially concerning marriage and raiding. Chagnon deals with cultural complexity that takes time to decipher, and in process, potential risk. Confronted with seemingly trivial situations, they often become unexpected phenomena and Chagnon’s adherence to documentation is amazing. He encounters personal epiphanies that I find intriguing, related to privacy and hygiene. This report becomes an inspiring document of an extreme anthropologic lifestyle as much as it is a cultural essay.…
The Ju'/hoansi started as a food foraging society, a mode of subsistence involving some combination of hunting, fishing, and gathering wild plant foods. During the early days, these people would travel long distances within a restricted territory and make seasonal moves to tap into naturally available food sources. Men and women were both equally important in work as well as necessary for survival. Although the men were usually the hunters and women the gatherers, it was not out of character for both sexes to do both jobs. Women were able to share the food they collected with whomever they wanted. Men on the other hand had different rules and constraints they had to go by in distribution of meat. The sharing was done in units of 25 people rather than just one family, they didn't have to share with everyone but no one went hungry within the unit. One way of preserving large amounts of meat was to make jerky. When hunting and killing an elephant would bring many pounds of meat, it would be stored by drying it out in long strips and could be packed easily as they moved to the next camp.…
The Hsi Lai Temple is a place of spirituality and education of the Buddhist cultural and religion. Hsi Lai Temple is the largest Buddhist temple in the U.S. and was funded by donations from devotees from around the world. This establishment has beautiful Chinese monasteries in regards to its beautiful gardens, architecture and history from other several places like Japan and Thailand and several more. The temples construction was completed in 1988 and is located in Hacienda Heights. Hsi Lai means “coming to the West” and signifies the dedication of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order to spread the teachings of the Buddha to those in the West.(1)…
Jai alai is a sport which began over 400 years ago in the Basque region of Spain. The first players just threw balls against walls of buildings. Jai alai is a Basque word meaning “merry festival.”…