Most behavior judgments stem from these three things:
1. You wouldn’t tolerate the same characteristic or behavior in yourself.
If you are a shy and then encounter a very sociable person, your judgment about them might go something like this: “What a show-off, they are so loud “. This is because you may be embarrassed to act this way and therefore resent others doing it.
2. You display the same behavior you resent, and then complain about it to a friend.
As you complain about what the friend has done, others might think to themselves “You are doing the same thing you find wrong”. This will then lead to people judging you on how you judge others when you are showing the same behavior.
All of these judgments create a divide between people, friends and the social classes. Because of these judgments we tend to hang out with the same type of person because that’s where we ‘fit’. It’s human nature to unconsciously hang out with people who have the same behavior as us, because we feel safer and don’t feel pressure to be like our opposites. Until you get to know someone, who can’t make these judgments without sounding stereotypical. Princess Fiona says to Shrek “Well maybe you shouldn’t judge people before you got to know them”; because not everyone fits into that stereotypical category you put them in. There is a lady over in