Although sometimes this is necessary in order for progression and a fair society. Inaction (restraint) may actually be only looking after the interests of Conservatives) Many Conservatives argue that the FF never intended the SC to yield so much power.They believe judges should have adjudicative role only.They believe policy decisions should only be made by democratically elected representatives of the people.They believe the prestige of the court system would be diminished by involvement in political decisions Stare Decisis (Let things be) precedent. Counter Can the US society function without people looking after the Constitution and reinterpreting it for the benefit of all Think Gay rights, rights of women, immigrants, Blacks. Times change social change happens opponents argue that restraint allows judges to passively accept values without question these are contrary to US societys values AA are not slaves anymore 14th Amendment needs to protect them too and so restraint has political significance because it allows Conservative and republican views to remain undisturbed this pleases the right wing, particularly the …show more content…
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