Julius Caesar’s Mark Antony prevails as the master of persuasion through language. In a eulogy speech for the recently deceased Caesar, he expertly employs repetition, reverse psychology, and flattery to manipulate the minds and hearts of his audience.…
Brutus uses their passion to his advantage, and convinces the conspirators that their own will power would be what compelled them to complete their task, not an oath. Another piece of evidence used to illustrate this, is when Brutus is defending the reasons behind his actions at Caesar’s funeral and he says, “ As / Caesar loved me, I weep for him; as he was fortunate, / I rejoice at it…” (JC.III.ii.24-26). By using the two words ‘loved’ and ‘weep’, Brutus is not only making himself seem vulnerable to the townspeople, but he is also showing that the death of Caesar was not necessarily what he wanted, and that the death of who was once his dear friend, upset him deeply. By doing this, people begin to feel sorry for Brutus, and they are not nearly as outraged as they are before he was given the opportunity to explain…
The paralyzing powers of speech often engulfs the human mind and corrupts it to the will of the speaker. Omnipresent in society, rhetorical appeals, the appealing powers of speech, are made to project the speaker’s thoughts and ideas of a subject matter. From ordinary conversations to commercial advertisements to public addresses, appeals are present to influence an audience’s mindset. The appeal of Logos creates compelling evidence for the audience to develop conclusions in the speaker’s favor while the appeal of Pathos relies on morals, values, and emotions to create a response from the audience. Combined with the appeal of Ethos to establish credibility in the speaker, the appeals are potentially powerful enough to cause everlasting impacts on society and revise history itself. Throughout history, great orators such as Hitler, Martin Luther King, and other political leaders have used the power of speech to transform people’s thoughts and ideas. This practice has dated back to ancient times to Mark Antony at the funeral of his friend and mentor, Julius Caesar. In William Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Mark Antony establishes himself to his audience, the plebeians, with Ethos then uses Pathos to pull on the audience’s heartstrings and sway the plebeians’ beliefs with Logos in an attempt to make the audience doubt Brutus’s justification of killing Caesar because he was ambitious.…
In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Decius Brutus and Mark Antony, both Roman Senators, eulogize Julius Caesar, each using a different technique and approach. Brutus, in a somewhat arrogant, to the point, eulogy, attempts to sway the people. He justifies conspiring against Caesar by stating that Caesar's ambition would have hurt Rome. However, in Antony's eulogy, he focuses on Caesar's positive traits, and cunningly disproves Brutus' justification for killing Caesar. The fickle Romans waver between leaders, responding emotionally, rather than intellectually, to the orators.<br><br>Brutus seeks to explain why he conspired against Caesar. He begins his speech with "Romans, countrymen ...", appealing to their consciousness as citizens of Rome, who,…
Manipulation, in essence, is a timeless recurring theme not only in literature, but in our everyday life. William Shakespeare’s drama, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, is saturated with rhetorical strategies. Brutus, Cassius, and Antony use their words throughout different parts of the play to sway other people’s opinions. Cassius’s persuasion is so powerful it leads to the death of Julius Caesar. Brutus is left with the repercussions of the assassination and has to speak to the Romans. Brutus and Antony go back-to-back speaking to the Romans using rhetorical strategies to explain their diverse views on the event. These three characters’ use of ethos, pathos, and logos was so compelling it persuaded the other people’s views, caused Caesar’s death,…
However, Brutus remains noble and refuses to take more lives than necessary, stating, “Let’s be sacrificers, not butchers, Caius… we shall be called purgers, and not murderers” (page 51). While others join the conspiracy for their own personal ambitions, much like how Cassius has monetary gains at the sole forefront of his mind when he commits the murder, Brutus is concerned only for his country and kills Caesar for that reason: so that the republic will last longer without a dictatorial threat looming in the distance. When Brutus commits suicide, his final words are: “Caesar, now be still, I killed not thee with half so good a will,” meaning that the would-be dictator’s death is nobler than his and that Caesar’s death is now avenged. At the end of the play, Antony praises Brutus and calls him “the noblest Roman of them all” (page 163); when one is praised by their enemy, it shows that they are well-respected, even by their foes.…
In Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Mark Antony proves himself to be the most effective manipulator. This feat was the product of many factors that Antony both took into account, and employed to a greater effect than his counterparts. Using the illustrative Rhetorical Triangle of Aristotle, Antony was able to convey the three main ingredients of good rhetoric to convince the Roman mob to turn upon the conspirators, mere moments after being told by Brutus that they had acted with “honor”. Using Logos, Antony’s logical argument that Caesar was not ambitious made the mob begin to doubt their current suppositions that Caesar deserved death for his ambition. With the emotive appeals of…
Many people saw Brutus as a great man, who did what was right for all. His first love was to Rome. During his speech at Caesar's funeral, he said “Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more” (3.2.21-22). This shows how he was willing to do everything he could for Rome, even if it means taking his own life which he also states in his speech. He explains why Caesar was assassinated; because he was too ambitious. Brutus tells the horrified onlookers that "Ambition's debt is paid", indicating…
In all actuality Shakespeare portrayed Julius Ceasar very closely in his play to what it really was in real life with only a few slight differences and also in the play the stroy is shortened down quite a bit from what really happens after Ceasar is assassinated. For example in the play Caesar is portrayed as a noble hero that is struck down by his "allies" without much of a reason. In reality Caesar was power hungry, cruel, devious, ruthless, and extremely ambitious which may have been why he was one of histories greatest military generals. Although in both the play and real life the citizens loved Caesar because he was a strong and powerful leader. In all honesty, his assassins had very good reason to fear him being their emperor.…
Brutus remarks to Cassius “What means this shouting? I do fear the people choose Caesar for their king. I would not Cassius, yet I love him so well” (Act 1, Scene 2, Line 78-79 and 82) Cassius entices Brutus to take the throne of Caesar, but Brutus maintain his loyalty to Ceasar Brutus’ realtionship with the Roman citizens is stronger than his relationship with Caesar. Brutus…
Brutus was a devious man, even though what he thought he was doing was right. Brutus told his fellow conspirators to kill Caesar "boldly, but not angerly."(3.1.256-257) Brutus was one of Caesars right hand men, and yet Brutus kills his own friend. When Antony asks to speak at Caesars funeral, Cassius says no, but Brutus tell him that Antony will speak, but only what Brutus tells him to say. Brutus also embraces the fact that he just killed his friend, and also tells the senators who had just witnessed it to not be afraid, but to stay because ambition has paid its debt.…
Finally, he brings together both parts of his argument by stating “I slew my best lover for the good of Rome, I have the same dagger for myself, when it shall please my country to need my death.” Brutus declares that he values Rome even over his life, further supporting that he killed Caesar to protect Rome and increasing the public’s belief in his dedication to that cause. His dramatic proclamation that he would also kill himself adds credibility to his statements, showing him to be selfless, honourable, and patriotic.…
•Antony is looked upon as an irresponsible kid who likes to attend plays and go out at night. He was Caesar's loyal assistant. That Antony loved Caesar there is no doubt. There is, however, ample evidence that Antony was the "sleek-headed man" of whom Caesar warns in Act I. His oration at Caesar's funeral was more than an attempt to avenge Caesar's death. It was a power grab. Antony speaks of Caesar's will. During the civil war that follows, he changes the will. Antony ruthlessly orders the murder of hundreds of citizens.…
The first way that Brutus persuades the people that killing Caesar was for the good of Rome is by his use of pathos. For instance he says “... Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.”(III, ii, 21-22) In saying this he is making the citizens feel loved and important, like he did this horrible thing all because he “loved” them. As well as when he states “Had you rather Caesar were living, and die all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live all free men?”(III, ii, 23-24) This makes the people think he really does care for them, he saved them from a terrible King.Another way he uses pathos, is by making the people of Rome believe that he feels guilty for killing Caesar. During his speech he tells the people of Rome “...I have the same dagger for myself, when it shall please my country to need my death.”(III, ii, 47-48) In this statement he is saying if i don't satisfy you as your king , you can kill me. When he says this they are appalled and reply with “Live, Brutus! Live, live”of course they're not going to want to kill him he has just saved them from “dying as slaves”(III, ii, 49).…
To be a good public speaker, a person needs a very specific set of skills to deliver a powerful speech. In the play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, a group of men conspire to assassinate Julius Caesar. Throughout the play, they succeed in killing Caesar by stabbing him multiple times. The conspirators have to convince the people of Rome that Caesar is a bad man and he had to be killed for the sake of Rome. Another man by the name of Marc Antony, who was a loyal friend of Caesar, comes and turns the tide over to his favor. He does this by delivering a powerful speech to the people of Rome at Caesar’s funeral. Marc Antony is a skilled orator because he excels at using rhetorical devices such as:ethos, pathos, and logos.…