The classic eighties movie Back to the Future, starring main character Marty Mcfly, centers around the unintended impact of going back in time as he accidentally interrupted his parents from meeting each other and falling in love. Thus dooming the couple and threatening Mcfly’s existence, conflict is created, and the story progresses. This is a butterfly effect of his actions and their first-hand consequences. In the play Julius Caesar, written by William Shakespeare, the tragic death of an innocent man, Cinna, was preventable. Although Roman citizens were technically at fault for his death, it goes back further than that simple action. Upon further analysis, and on the basis of the butterfly effect, the citizens were enraged by the actions of Antony, and Antony was enraged by the death of Caesar by the conspirators. The conspirators were enraged with Caesar. With the underlying threat of …show more content…
Brutus is outright saying that Caesar thinks about himself not the good of the people. They believed that in order to be “true Romans” and stay loyal to their beloved country their duty was to eliminate Caesar. His newfound power referred to as a “serpent’s egg Which hatch’d would as his kind grow mischievous, and kill him in his shell” (II.I.32-34), illustrating the view of Caesar and his poisonous contribution to Rome. The only way to stop him before his power makes him invulnerable to attack, was to kill him before he took over. Without Caesar threatening the natural order of Rome, the conspirators wouldn’t have felt the need to kill him. Then the citizens wouldn’t have been vengeful and killed Cinna out of