ACT I (Good Luck ()
|Scene 1 |Scene 2 |Scene 3 |
|On February 15, the Feast of |On the same day, Caesar attends the |On the night of March 14, a terrible storm |
|Lupercal, the people take a |traditional race at the festival of Lupercal |brings different reactions. |
|holiday to celebrate Caesar's |and receives a warning from a soothsay to |Casca believes that the storm and other |
|victory over Pompey in a civil |beware the ides of March. (The middle day of |omens mean that the future will bring evil.|
|war. |each month …show more content…
was called the ides.) |Cassius believes that these same signs mean|
|Marullus and Flavius, two |After Caesar leaves, Cassius tries to persuade|that Caesar must be stopped.
|government officials who |Brutus to turn against Caesar. |The two agree that Caesar must not be |
|supported Pompey, attempt to |Caesar returns and mentions to Antony his |allowed to continue to rule, and when Cinna|
|discourage celebrating workers. |distrust of Cassius. |joins them, they plot to convince Brutus to|
| |Casca tells Brutus and Cassius the details of |join their conspiracy. |
| |Caesar's rejection of a crown offered to him | …show more content…
| |by the people of Rome. | |
| |Brutus and Cassius agree to meet again to | |
| |discuss Caesar. | |
|Scene 1 |Scene 2 |Scene 3 |Scene 4 |
|Shortly before dawn on March 15|Shortly after dawn on March 15, Caesar |Artemidorus, one of |Portia, uneasy about the|
|(the ides of March), Brutus |and his wife Calpurnia are both awake |Caesar's supporters, has|plot, sends the servant |
|walks in his garden, unable to |because of the storm.
Caesar intends to |learned about the plot |Lucius to go and see |
|sleep, brooding over the |go to the Capitol, but Calpurnia urges |against Caesar. |what is happening at the|
|decision he must make. |him to stay home because of the many |He reads a letter of |Capitol. |
|He receives an anonymous letter|threatening omens. |warning he has written, |She then meets the |
|(from Cassius) urging him to |Caesar agrees to stay home for her sake, |then waits in the street|soothsayer, who |
|act on Rome's behalf. Cassius |until Decius, one of the conspirators, |for Caesar to pass by. |increases her concern as|
|and the conspirators visit |convinces him that he must not seem to be| |he predicts danger for
|Brutus and finalize their |afraid of his wife's superstitions. | |Caesar. |
|plans. |The other conspirators meet at Caesar's | | |
|Brutus' wife, Portia, urges him|house to make sure he does not decide to | | |
|to reveal his secret to her. |stay at home. | | |
|Scene 1 |Scene 2 |Scene 3 |
|Both the Soothsayer and |Brutus speaks before a group of "citizens," or |This scene involves a famous Roman |
|Artemidorus try to warn Caesar |common people of Rome. He explains why Caesar had to|poet named Cinna. (He is not the |
|outside the Capitol, but he |be slain for the good of Rome. |same Cinna who participated in the |
|refuses to listen to them. |Then, Brutus leaves and Antony speaks to the |assassination.) |
|Once Caesar goes into the Capitol,|citizens. A far better judge of human nature than |The angry Roman mob comes upon the |
|the conspirators gather around |Brutus, Antony cleverly manages to turn the crowd |poet, believing he is Cinna the |
|him, pretending to plead a case. |against the conspirators by telling them of Caesar's|conspirator. Soon, they realize this|
|Then, without warning, they all |good works and his concern for the people, as proven|is the wrong man, yet they are so |
|stab Caesar to death. |by the slain ruler's will. He has left all his |enraged that they slay him anyway. |
|Mark Antony flees, but Brutus |wealth to the people. |Then, they rush through the city |
|persuades the conspirators to let |As Antony stirs the citizens to pursue the assassins|after the true killers of Caesar. |
|him live. Brutus plans to explain |and kill them, he learns that Octavius has arrived | |
|the reasons for the killing to the|in Rome and that Brutus and Cassius have fled. | |
|Roman people. | | |
|Antony returns and pretends to be | | |
|an ally of the conspirators. | | |
|Secretly, however, he plans to | | |
|strike back with help from | | |
|Octavius Caesar, who is now on his| | |
|way to Rome. | | |
Act IV
|Scene 1 |Scene 2 |Scene 3 |
|Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus meet to |Brutus waits for Cassius to meet him at |Inside Brutus' tent, Brutus and |
|discuss which people should be included on |his military camp. Brutus expresses his |Cassius argue about the way each has |
|their list of condemned people who will be |belief that Cassius is not as friendly |treated the other. As their argument |
|executed. |as he was before. |ends, a poet arrives to urge them to |
|After Antony sends Lepidus on an errand to |When Cassius arrives, he begins to |get along. |
|bring back Caesar's will, Antony explains |confront Brutus about the way Brutus has|Brutus, Cassius, Titinius, and |
|that Lepidus is useful only as a tool, |treated him, but Brutus insists that |Marullus discuss the recent news of |
|someone to be used. |they discuss this inside his tent where |the enemy as well as the death of |
|Antony and Octavius decide to increase |the soldiers will not hear their |Portia. The men decide, at Brutus' |
|their preparation for battle with the |argument. |urging, to meet the enemy army at |
|armies of Brutus and Cassius. The men plan | |Philippi. |
|to discuss how to deal with the many | |After the others leave, Caesar's ghost|
|enemies they have, both secret and open. | |appears to Brutus and promises to meet|
| | |him at Philippi. |
Act V
|Scene 1 |Scene 2 |Scene 3 |Scene 4 |Scene 5 |
|The army of Antony and |Brutus gives Messala|Cassius' forces are losing|Young Cato is killed in|Brutus tries, one by one,|
|Octavius and the army of |instructions for the|their battle, and Antony's|battle, and Lucilius, |to persuade his |
|Brutus and Cassius arrive|army to attack |troops have set Cassius' |pretending to be |companions to help him |
|at the field of battle. |Octavius' forces, |tents on fire. Some troops|Brutus, is captured. |end his life, but each |
|The four generals meet |believing those |are still among Cassius' |Antony meets Lucilius |refuses. The enemy's |
|and exchange insults. |forces are faltering|tents, so Cassius sends |and instructs his men |forces approach, so |
|After their meeting, |and can be defeated |Titinius to get a closer |to treat him with |Brutus' friends must |
|Cassius reflects on the |with a sudden |look and come back to |respect as an honorable|retreat. Brutus stays |
|possible outcomes of this|attack. |report on whether they are|prisoner, even though |behind with Strato, who |
|day, mentioning an omen | |friend or enemy. |he is not really |does help him to kill |
|that he interprets as | |Cassius believes that |Brutus. |himself. |
|predicting their loss. | |Titinius has been captured| |Antony, Octavius, and |
|Brutus and Cassius | |by the enemy, so he asks | |others find Strato with |
|discuss their plans if | |Pindarus to stab him. | |the body of Brutus. |
|the battle is lost and | |Cassius dies, and Pindarus| |Octavius takes Strato |
|make their final | |runs away. | |into his service. Antony |
|farewells to each other. | |Titinius returns with | |eulogizes Brutus as a |
| | |Messala. He had actually | |noble Roman, and Octavius|
| | |met Brutus' men, not the | |agrees to give him an |
| | |enemy. They find Cassius' | |honorable burial |
| | |body, and while Messala | | |
| | |goes to notify Brutus, | | |
| | |Titinius stabs himself. | | |
| | |Messala returns with | | |
| | |Brutus and others to find | | |
| | |Cassius dead. They mourn | | |
| | |him briefly, then return | | |
| | |to the battle. | | |