Junior V., always wanted to be successful or someone of importance, but spent most of his life providing clerical services. He didn’t have a large family, and was not a participant in any country affairs allowing life to just pass him by. Senior v., was total opposite of Junior v., coming from a large family of brothers and sisters …show more content…
most of which have died already, causing Junior to choose a life of seclusion.
When Junior V., would speak of soul it gave Senior V., an idea or way of thinking that pertained to death “I do not believe in an immortal soul, but I also do not believe that we are only flesh and bone.
I believe in a mortal soul, the non-corporeal essence of ourselves, lurking within our flesh like a parasite, flourishing when we flourish, and dying when we die.” (Rushdie, Salman “In the South.") The impact, of a human wanting to obtain some sort of higher level of being, through literature, acting as an outlet of interpersonal need for transcendence. The phrase “It is always astonishing to learn that your beloved is not as attractive to others as she is to you.” (Rushdie,) A person’s perception may always reflect his or hers own personal experiences. Being that perception of a loved one will always contain a bias element, you should not be surprised when another’s person’s perception if different.
In a marriage one spouse can be more committed than the other, causing a visible disparity between the two lovers and often ending with a lack of devotion or belief. “Love can lead to devotion, but the devotion of the lover is unlike that of the true believer in that it is not militant.” (Rushdie,) Many people will say that they love you, few people will let their love for you be their
So many times in today’s day and age people are unaware of the disrespect or lack of respect that should be given to a specific person or item of value. Not recognizing the violation, because some people may not have the same appreciation or respect for an issue as you would. “In our house, whenever anyone dropped a book or let fall a chupati or a “slice” which was our word for a triangle of buttered leavened bread, the fallen object was recognized not only to be picked up but also kissed, by way of apology for the act of clumsy disrespect”. Rushdie,