getting banned? Should junk foods be banned in schools? Junk foods are unhealthy foods
that are eaten by many people. Junk foods are unhealthy because it doesn’t have much
nutrition. Junk foods have many ingredient that are unhealthy such as salt. People eat
junk foods because they love how it tastes, and they don’t care much of how unhealthy
junk foods are. It is believed that junk foods creates problems in health, and that is why
they are being banned in schools. Junk food started getting banned in the year of 2007.
Junk foods was first banned in public schools at New Jersey. There are many people that
agree junk foods should get banned in schools, but there are also others …show more content…
they realize that schools should be responsible for kids being obese? There many reasons
why those people think junk foods shouldn’t be banned in schools. Junk foods shouldn’t
be banned in schools because it is not effective, it is not the main cause of obesity, and
our health is our own responsibility.
Perez 2
Junk foods shouldn’t be banned in schools because it is not effective. It isn’t effective
because kids could bring their own food to school according to a guy named John
Metallo. John Metallo used to be a principal and was also an educator at two colleges.
The first college was the University of Albany. The other place where he educated was
at Plattsburgh called the University of New York. His viewpoint is true because kids
don’t have to eat what schools are offering to them. They might not like the food at
school, so they just bring their own food. Some people may disagree with him and say
that it is effective like a guy name Jonathan M. Seidi. He believes that banning junk foods
is effective because it can make kids start eating healthy. He may be kind of right with