In this paper, I will discuss the article Reading to Write by Stephen King. I will examine the ideas he presents by citing the examples he uses. Additionally, I will give my own thoughts on his points and provide my own ideas of these topics. Lastly I will explain how I feel his logic not only effectively applies to the topic he is discussing, but how it is applicable to any chosen field a person may attempt to become successful in.…
Practice makes perfect, a common idiom to try to perfect in some particular activity. In this essay, Anne Lamott describes the case of writing horrendous first drafts on an essay or a research paper. She designates how she went through her writing process. Anne tries to explain that ‘shitty first drafts’ needs a great idea to begin with and on to writing the next draft(s). Creating the order of the drafts by making a subpar first drafts can lead to a good second drafts and an excellent third draft, or the final copy. She assumes that writing is not rapturous. The only way to create masterpiece(s) is to start in something small, which in this case, to create…
Lisa Schroeder has been writing books since she was a little girl . She say's that when she's reading a book and see's a blank page she wants to write on the page. Lisa even wrote her own book and illustrate it. It's called Lions Valintians. Lisa want'ed to write a book and publish it. In 2003, she started to write bad stories, then soon she got over 100 rejections before she sold a book. Lisa always want'ed to become a author because she loved books when she was a kid , saying "That book can take you to a whole other…
Diaz’s story continues into second paragraph where Diaz insights the reader that he had to hide who he really is by hiding the government cheese in either the cupboard. This is based off of social class and the stereotype that all African Americans are a part of the lower class. This showed that Diaz was not ashamed of whom he was, but he did not want to get judged. In addition to hiding the cheese, he states that the race of a girl or date should determine where the cheese should be hidden. The overall theme of the story is how a male, must act very different from what they really are in order to create a more comfortable environment. The story insights the reader on how race and social class have been ignored by the society. “Diaz also analyses…
In the first fifty pages of the story, Junot Diaz vividly described the progression of Oscar. We are able to experience Oscar's growth from childhood to his adolescent years. As a young boy, Oscar was the "typical Dominican" boy. He enjoyed chasing after girls and trying to kiss them. His mother took pride in this. As, he begins to develop into his adolescent stage, there is a drastic change. His hobbies and interest are not the same as the other children. Oscar is a "nerd" and enjoys reading, writing, and sci fi movies. This is not the common interests of those his age in the community that he lives. In addition, the one adorable child as grown into an acne faced, over weight adolescent. Oscar finds it hard to make friends and he is unable…
Marissa Nunez had been working for two years at McDonald’s when she wrote “Climbing the Golden Arches”. This experience had many effects on her. For example; she learned many things like you have to start from the bottom to work your way up to the top. She learned this because from working at McDonald’s, there are many things that need to be done. Sometimes, you have to fill in for someone, even if that isn’t your position so it is best to know all of the jobs at the business…
However, he feels disappointed in himself—in that he cannot convey his thoughts and his words in a written form. His story is about his own endeavor to teach himself the art of penmanship, and the lengths at which he found ways to do so. Even as described by himself, the image he gives the reader is nothing other than that of a madman—one who at least has an obsession, an infatuation with something. His devotion to learning is similar to that of the Olympian committed to winning a gold medal. They will strive for nothing less than that one ultimate goal, and they will not settle for anything other than achieving what they have put so much time and effort into…
Chris Street wrote the article, “A Reluctant Writer’s Entry into a Community of Writers.” In Street’s introduction, he describes how he had a student named John who seemed angry, and didn’t seem to like writing. Finally, Street decided to change his ways of teaching his class. He began to let his students talk about what they cared about and what they knew, while he listened. This began to change his students writing.…
Through reading countless books that were all higher than the required levels of readings at his school, he acquired a vast sea of knowledge. He created a name for himself as an established writer because of all the knowledge he acquired from reading. Reading books allowed him to further advance him as a reader, letting his grasp the structure and diction of famous books. With that, he could become a successful writer and make it in life to “save his life.” Saving himself inspired others in his community to save themselves leading to an endless chain of saving…
The world is full of writers of all kinds: novelists, biographers, copy writers, and even bloggers. Every so often, one of those writers will rise above the rest and become a great author—but what exactly does that take? Many qualities have to come together in one person to make his or her writing great, so having the idea for a story alone is not enough; great writers also have to possess talent and originality as well as the dedication required to see a story through to the end.…
Natalie Goldberg is a firm believer in the writing exercise, which is an excellent way to keep in good form. The author, a practicing Zen Buddhist, manages to address most of the problems that sabotage the process itself. According to Goldberg, it is the way we approach and perceive the craft itself that ultimately prevents writers from producing the work. She opens with a chapter labeled, “First Thoughts,” which advocates letting go of all of one’s ego and inhibition. “We must trust in our own process and voice,” she insists.…
The crumbling leaves swayed, as the winter air crashed against his home. Walking towards his farm, William became uncomfortably aware of his surroundings. He grew up in this town, spending his days working and adventuring in every niche of the area. For an eighteen year old, his journey of life was monotonous. He endeavoured to peregrinate and advance his life- but his next journey was one that caused a nauseous, yet prideful feeling in the pit of his stomach.…
"A good writer is one you can read without breaking a sweat. If you want a workout, you don’t lift a book—you lift weights. Yet we’re brainwashed to believe that the more brilliant the writer, the tougher the going."…
In the past a thousand weeks, I feel like I have accomplished a great deal. As the quarter ends, I find myself reflecting not only how I have survived my fifth quarter but also what I have learned. The most important thing I have learned so far is how to become a better writer. I did not think it could really happen to me. I did not think I could handle all the work. I did not think I could actually become a better writer. Somehow, after all the hours of writing, and putting effort into my papers that I wrote in this quarter, I became a better writer. I did this because I concentrated on two very important areas. With help from an awesome teacher and my partner, I have become a better writer by improving my skills in the areas of procrastination and content.…
Writing is intimidating, in that nothing comes out the way it should, even after several…